1 horse power watt

1 horse power watt

This Calculator will help you to convert  horse power to watt or watt to horse power vice versa

1 horse power watt

  • To


What is horsepower hp?

1 Horsepower is the amount of  work done to move a 75kg Mass 1 meter within the time frame of 1 Second.

How do you calculate horsepower?

Let say if a Machine can move 75kg  Mass 2 Meter within 1 Second . Thus the Horse Power of the Machine calculated is 2 Horsepower.

What applications Horsepower being use to measure?

  1. Engine Power
  2. Induction Motor
  3. Various type of  Motor
  4. Pumps
  5. Generator

How do you convert horsepower into wattage?

  • To convert from horsepower to watts, multiply by 745.7
  • To Convert from watts to horsepower multiply by 0.00134
  • To convert from horsepower to kilowatts, multiply by 0.746.
  • To convert from kilowatts to horsepower, multiply by 1.34.


Gallons To Liter Calculator Here