Finding a Domain Name

Great , finally you have decided to become an Entrepreneur,  setting up your own company , website or even an e-commerce Site.The first things you will need to consider is to find a domain name associated to your Niche .

Pretty much Headache ? ,  yes it is ! .A Good Domain name associated to your business is crucial for your business long term success. A wrong Domain name will put your business reputation in jeopardy , thus cause long term effect on your business marketing and Sales.

Your Domain name should Reflect the product or services of your business , it should be easily identified , recognised and remembered by your customer.It serves as a metaphor or a symbol of your company and should convey the correct message to your customer.So its worth to take some time researching  for a good domain name, instead of rushing into some bad name which will have long term effect on your business .

Types of  Domain Name

So what are the types of Domain name  extension in the Internet which you can register ?

Type 1 : Original Generic Top Level Domain Name

(1) .c0m    – During The Early internet days, .com was setup for commercial purpose.

(2) .org     –  Setup for non profitable Organisation.

(3) .net     –  is meant for network

(4).gov     – is meant for government

(5).edu    –  is meant for Education

Type 2 : New Generic Top Level Domain Name

Started on August 15 2000

The Extension are as the below .

.fishing  / .country / .cars / .auto / .cooking / .fashion /.coffee / .club  so on and so on etc ….

Type 3 : Country Code Top Level Domain Name

Each country has its own Domain extension ,refer  the Wikipedia link below if you interested to find out more.


Just to add something if you register a country code domain extension , google will treat  your content to be directed more to the local country audience.

So when local surfer searches some ” key word” Google will prioritised to redirect a local Website to the Local Audience

Choosing HTTP or HTTPS

Great now you have decided your domain Extension , What you should choose for your site HTTP or HTTPS

HTTP – A normal extension with no secure pad and encryption.

HTTPS- An Encrypted and Protected  good for SEO .

Selecting a Domain Name

Things  to consider when selecting a domain name

  1. Should not be Case Sensitive
  2. Avoid Hyphen / easy to spell
  3. As Short as possible
  4. Easy to Remember and reflect your business service and product
  5. Avoid Trademarks
  6. Cyber Squatting Domain Name
  7. Exact Match keyword to the nature of the service your business is offering.
  8. Lastly unique


Useful Website to research

Below are some useful website which will be able to help your  domain name research.

  1. Name Generator Website –namemesh
  2. Background check your domain name- IsBanned

Final Steps Register your domain

Well, congratulation, for following the article , now you have reach this far , understanding the insight on how to find a good domain name. Its time to take it into action, register your domain name now .

I have prepare a link below  for your convenient , click it and registered your desired Domain Name

  1. name cheap


Finally you have got your domain name, the next step is to Purchase a Hosting Package.









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