Submit your Site to Naver
Unlike the rest of the world, Google normally capture the majority of search engine market share, but not in Korea.Naver .com have a market share of 76% in Korea this follow by Daum 15% , then only Google 9%.
Naver Search engine is entirely build using native Korean language, in terms of search results in Korean , it did a better job then Google. As Majority Korean did their search in Korean,The Korean Web Master Community does not practice the ” Open Web Idea ” , due to security reason. As most of the Korean Web Master block Google Bot from crawling their web.Instead Naver introduce Knowledge In, which have some similarity with Yahoo answer. this has gained popularity among the Korean communities.
To learn more about Naver Click Here
Waste no time, lets submit your site to Naver
Step 1
In order to Submit your site to Naver, you will need to set up a Naver account.
You can Sign Up Naver Account through FaceBook account.

Step 2
After you have sign up a Naver Account, navigate to the Naver Web Master Page Click Here.
Write Click your Mouse, select translate to english.

After you have translated into English, Scroll down below,and click the green button.

After you Click the green button , a new pade will be open.
Step 3
At the new open page, fill in your website domain name, remember to right click and select translate to English, so you will be able to understand .After you Fill in your domain name, click the ” Look Up ” button.

There will be some capcha, fill in the Capcha

Step 4
After you fill in the capcha , click confirm, the browser will re- direct you to a new page, Scroll down and click “Verified Ownership of your Viewed Site”.

After you have click the word, it will pop up a message box, just click “ok”.

Step 5
Click the Owner Ship Check.

Step 6
There are 2 Method to Verify your site. 1st Method ,download the HTML File and upload to your Web Host Root file, Click the Link , fill in the Capcha an verified. To do this you will need to Login into your Web Host , navigate to File Manager and upload the downloaed file.
2nd Method, copy the HTML Tag and paste it into your theme Header, or you can navigate to Appearance , then Editor, look for the file Header.php, Open the File and paste the Tag .
First Method