List of SEO Companies in Singapore

List of SEO Companies in Singapore.

List of SEO Companies ! in Singapore! , if you do a random search on google you will get 10 pages  of results.

Just in case you are asking , SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation.

All these Result pages are fill with SEO Company. Well there are a few good  SEO company , and there are bad SEO company also.So there are 2 kinds of tactic where all these SEO companies use to improve their Client Ranking.

  1. White Hat SEO , main focus on human audience , doing their best to deliver quality content to their audience.
  2. Black Hat SEO , main focus of business profit not on our fellow human, their objective is to out smart search engine to rank them on the top.

White Hat SEO

These is Kind of SEO Company , focus on delivery quality to the audience by creating good article and enrich content .There are a list of good SEO Company in Singapore,which i come across through my research. Company like this normally focus on key word researching, generating unique content, social marketing and relevant back link building.

Normally Good SEO Companies do not over promised their customer from the start.In their mind they are very clear that ranking takes time.Usually they have target set in mind, and what is the time frame to achieved the goal.

A good SEO company will have a blue print of few phases. For instant phase 1 is to identify who is the client competitor? What are the Keywords they are competing with ? is it possible they reach towards the goal

For Example:

Ah Hui Cafe Pte ltd,  is a cafe owner ,his cafe is selling cappuccino . He approaches  a SEO Company and request the company to help him rank the key word ” Cappuccino ” number 1 at google Search.

Do you think  possible?

Normally single and popular keywords that you can find in the dictionary,are already dominate by large company and one non profit organisation Wikipedia.The only effort the SEO Company can help you rank is by using long tail keyword such as ” the best Cappuccino in Singapore and JB and some say Batam “.

So if you come across a good SEO Company, they will let you know upfront what can be done and what cannot.

In Conclusion White Hat SEO takes time, you can’t achieve Page one ranking in a short amount of period.

Black Hat SEO

These are the kind of SEO Company which focus to deliver results in a short period amount of time. Their objective is not human is short term results and profits.

Signs of Bad SEO Companies. During my research i found a list of bad SEO company in singapore.

Well how do you identified Bad SEO Company ?

Look for , over promising sales pitches , which tell their client that they can gain instant result in a short period of time.How do you uncover them, probably you can call them or email them to ask   more question regarding their service offer. If they promised that they can do everything before giving you a comprehensive analyze of your competitor, keyword and your business profile, that is a warning alarm.

What Tactic do Bad SEO Companies do ?

  1. Keyword Stuffing.
  2. Cloaking the Article with Keywords
  3. Hidden Anchor Tax
  4. Gate way Page redirect visitor to Spam sites.
  5. Back Link Blasting.
  6. Blog networking Syndicate Back Links

And a lot more to go.

Well in the short term, SEO Companies using Black Hat SEO might probably gain lots of traffic and trick the search engine to rank their page high.But not for long , when the google bot crawled the page and find out the hanky panky, the site will be penalised.

List of SEO Companies in Singapore and their type and behaviour.

The Old School SEO Company

These are established SEO Company, which have long time establishment in the market, which have offices around the globe.They don’t simply accept any business , they only take in clients which have big names

The cost from S$ 2000 to  $S10 000 monthly or higher.

The new kids on the block SEO Company

These SEO are start up , normally are former employee of the old School SEO companies. Predominantly are local joint venture , seeking ways to re-innovate the SEO Business.  Most of their clients are local SME .

The cost from S$ 1000 to  $S10 000 monthly or higher.

The Outsource SEO Company

These company operate offshore, but they might have a representative or a small office in Singapore. But their main operation team located in country such as India , Philippine.

The cost from S$ 500 to  $S10 000 monthly or higher.

The Part Time SEO Company

These company , normally are creative agency, which have gain substantial knowledge while helping their client to  rank their website.Their main business isn’t SEO but from experience and improvement they got the tune of how SEO might work.

The Lone Wolf SEO Company

This can be a blogger , a freelancer , which have professional expertise in SEO

How do you evaluate all this list of SEO Companies in Singapore you found in Google Search Results

1.Check their Web Ranking , unfortunately if they cant rank themselves , they can’t rank you.

a) Similar Web 

b) Alexa

2. Check their site Domain Authority and Page Authority , the higher the better.


3. Check their present in Social Media.

4. Call Them.

5. Ask them who are their customers.

6. Talk to their customers

7. Compare their offered package.

8. Ask them to provide a Time Frame.

9. It the outcomes does not as expected , what is Plan B

10. Are they over promising ?

How do you monitor your SEO results after engaging a SEO company?

  1. Ask them for a time line  to achieve the goal.
  2. Monitor and document your page ranking in Excel sheet . 
  3. Hire fast and Fire fast if they don’t meet their promise target


My personal Opinion on SEO

Basically , SEO expert can do so much and so to try their best to help their client to rank, As Google is keeping on improving their algorithm releasing new update yearly. No ones actually know the details of the Algorithm release by google.The information publish are just very general and touching surfaces.

List of Google Algorithms

No Google Algorithm Release Date
1 Panda 24 Feb 2011
2 Penguin 24 Feb 2012
3 HummingBird 22 August 2013
4 Pigeon 24 July 2014
5 Mobile 21 April 2015
6 RankBrain 26 OCT 2015
7 Possum 1 SEP 2016
8 Fred 8 Mar 2017

Check this out 8 Major Algorithm .

My Opinion

Well you have google and found the list of SEO companies in Singapore, identifying the good from the bad is crucial.

Google hates Spammer , and they are try all their best to penalise every single one of them.

  1. Make your site for the sake of humans benefit and value added to your site audience.
  2. Take Time and take it slowly, you will reach there.
  3. Help others, and add value to the Google Communities.
  4. Don’t spam
  5. You can never out smart Google, they are the Boss.

Check out List of Web Design Company in Singapore.


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