Bad Web Design Practices in Singapore

Bad Web Design Practices in Singapore

Bad Web Design Practices in Singapore

Bad Web Design Practices in Singapore , that i want to highlight in here, as this practices will ruin  your  site.

Well you have paid or hired a design agency or a freelancer to build your site. Everything looks great . Your site looks welly design, good functionality, and up to your standard requirements.But besides the design , the functionality , did you ever dig inside into the core structure of your website , as these are the determinant factor whether your site would rank on Google.

In this Article i will highlight Bad web design practices  that most Agency do.

Below are a list few things of most Agency or freelancer do  ,that will hurt your business  site.

(1) The Design Agency or Freelancer embed  their signature below  your site Footer.

Why this  is a Bad Web Design Practices? . 

As the search engine Algorithm is evolving from time to time .They are becoming more smarter and efficient. Google , Bing  hates Spammer. They are doing their utmost to re innovate their Search Engine Algorithm to get rid of all these Paid link, Link Exchange and Spam Link on the Internet. The objective of Search Engine  is to provide a better user experience and value added for the viewer or audience.Search Engine is a place for people to exchange knowledge and find answer, commercial and businesses come after.

So what’s wrong with Agency or Freelancer embed their Signature ” Design by  XXX” on your site footer. I can see this is a common Bad Web Design Practices in Singapore.

Regardless the Embed Signature is a follow or no follow will see it as an unnatural link.  To simply explained ,an Unnatural link is a link, where it is  placed into the content of a non relevant site .For example your business site , might be selling furniture, but there is a link below your footer referring to a Web design Company.When Google algorithm  detect that  , she will straightly identified that as an Unnatural link . Why is that so?, the question is your site is selling furniture, logically your content or link should be referring to furniture related links or contents. Spam links appeared below your footer would hurt your business, as google see your site as a link exchange site, and these unrelated links does not bring any value added or benefits to the audience what so ever.By doing that your site will get a Google Penalty named “Penguin ”

I found this site explained itself quite well on this matters. Click here

(2) The Design Agency or Freelancer Use your site as a portfolio

Well , whats wrong with that ?.Doesn’t every customer ask for a portfolio when they engage a Creative Agency or a freelancer.

Without a Portfolio how does the Agency or freelancer show case their work. This is a chicken and egg question, frankly i would suggest that not to exposed the customer site on public, as this does not do  any good for the customer thus pose vulnerability to the Customer towards its competitor.In the Mean time google will also see that as an unnatural link or connection as explained above.

The Situation is like ,when you engage a contractor to build your home. When your home is finished build, the contractor took picture of the design and layout and put them on their marketing brochure.  These put the customer in a very bad situation , as when the customer competitor sees the design  ,they will come out with a strategy to replicate the site with better design .

At Creatifwerks, we don’t do that , we will only show the customer portfolio on request agree by our client.

 Bad Web Design Practices


(3) Using Ancient Markup in your Site Structure

To Simply explained that in a non technical way. The Web Technologies evolved every day , what works today might not work  for tomorrow.As Browser technologies continue updating . The way of Mark Up Language to be programmed change over time. There are a common Bad Web Design Practices in Singapore which i see , they like to copy and paste the Mark Up Code without scrutinising it to their Clients site Project.

This Seems like very technical to me ( Client) how do i identify that ?

You can check out your site design by the Freelancer or Agency with the Link below.

 (4) Content writing towards commercial , Selling, Marketing purpose not for user beneficial 

Well , you might questioned , the purpose of  setting up a site is to sell something online and earn a profit . What did i do wrongly ?.

I would say you did nothing wrong, but  you have just deviated from the principal and understanding of the Meaning of Search Engine .Search Engine or internet is a place where people share knowledge and to find a solution towards their problem. Commercial will always come second.

If your site is too commercialise , and does not serve any purpose to benefit the well being of others the user or audience,your site will not get any traffic logically. If you observe big and well known E-Commerce site, normally they have a well structure blog that provide people a place where they can seek their answer.

In Conclusion , you must give before you are able to receive something back.

(5) Bad Design Related Practices

Aesthetic and presentation  is a very important factor to determine the success of your site. The first impression of your site will have a lasting impression on your customer or Audiences

Below shows the list of  bad web design pratices

  • Unmatched back ground colour, towards your business theme.
  • Using unattractive fonts.
  • Writing just for  the sake of Search Engine Optimisation not for User.
  • Bad CSS program method
  • Bad sitemap Structure.
  • Too many Links at your footer.
  • You do not have a 404 page
  • Bad Redirection
  • You do not have a Under Construction Page.

In Conclusion, Your Site should be design based on the principal of benefiting public. Not for Search Engine , profit or money.All these come later

Hope you have an idea of how to identify Bad Web Design Practices in Singapore, and able to avoid these unnecessary damages that will cause to your business site.

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