Borders and Background in CSS

Borders and Background in CSS

Colors and Backgrounds in CSS! , Up to now you have created a HTML index File , some basic styling and so on. You might want to add an awesome background into your Website to make it more presentable and eye catching .

Well lets look into how to add , a back  ground Image Step by step by following the Instruction below

  1. Go to your CSS file , do your styling at there
  2. Copy the Image that you want to set it as a Background Image into your Root File
  3. Target the Styling at the body tag.
  4. Use the Command backgound-image :url (yourbackgroundfilename);
  5. Use the Command backgorund-repeat:no-repeat; to not repeat the background image
  6. Set it to Center by using background-size: cover;

Well when selecting a Background , you might want to Select an Image with the correct Size and pixel size . So it will not look blurry when you enlarge the background image to turn it into a Background cover sheet.

The Next Step is to Add Border line into your image

  1. Copy the Image that you want to insert into your site into the root file.
  2. Open up your . html file.
  3. Call the Image by using < img src=”” class=”BorderImage”> give it a Class name.
  4. Open up your .css file.
  5. Taget the ” BorderImage ” Class
  6. Add in the Pixel, Color into your CSS Style.
  7. Check out the Sample Code below



<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <title>GETTING STARTED WITH BRACKETS</title>
        <meta name="description" content="Just another Website.">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
      <div class="container">
        <h1>This is just Another Website</h1>
            Welcome to Brian Website
        <div class="borderImage">
         <img src="flower.jpeg" alt="is a flower" height="100" width="100">







 background: linear-gradient(to right, #cc99ff ,#ff99ff);
    box-shadow: 3px,3px ,3px, black;


    text-shadow: 2px,2px ,5px,#000000;

    background-image: url(mountain.jpg);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

   border-right:  30px  solid black;


Check out Background gradient in CSS here

HTML school

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