Adding Object into Array PHP

Adding Object into Array PHP

Adding Object into Array PHP, sometimes you might want to do that. For example , you have a lists of  item assign in the array call stock. inside the Stock array you might have different type of products . When there is a new product deliver to be stock , you might want your program to be able to add in this new type of product.

In order to do that, you can either assign the new Object to an Empty Array or  to an Array dedicated  with a specific name.

Check out the Code below



$stock = array("hammer","saw","screwdriver","nail");
$stock['motorised']= "chainsaw";

foreach ($stock as $number => $value){
	echo $number.' = '.$value.'<BR>';


Output after Adding Array

The Output of the code shown above , should resemble what is shown on the picture below.

Adding Object into Array PHP

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Check out Array in PHP here

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