CSS Specificity

CSS Specificity

CSS Specificity, is a CSS Algorithm which is use to calculate which styling sets should be set  as priority.When there are multiple declaration being assign.

Specificity is also an important  tool for the browser to determine which styling set should be applied

Let Check out the points

The Points of Specificity CSS is determine by the listed condition below. Higher up the List of the Specificity list , more points it will be given.More points given by specificity , the more intend the web browser will apply the styling set.

  1. In line Styling
  2. IDs
  3. class. Pseudo Class, attribute
  4. Elements

There is A Specificity Calculator which i found in the internet, which you can use to calculate the points of specificity in CSS. click here

In line Styling

Inline Styling has the highest specificity points comparing to the rest .So an in line styling in your” .html ” probably will score the Highest and the style set will be applied by the browser.

Example of Inline Styling


  <h3 style="color:dimgrey;"> I am a Header 3 with Inline Style</h3>


CSS Specificity
It has a Score of 1000 for inline Style.
I am Using the Calculator from this Author


IDs are normally used to tag with java script.But in some casesyou can use along with CSS. For CSS specificity it scores the second highest.

Example of  IDs


        <h3 id="myid"> I am a Header 3 with id</h3>


    font-family: sans-serif;
    text-shadow: 2px,2px ,5px,brown;
    line-height: normal;


CSS Specificity
It has a score of 100

Class , Pseudo Class and Attribute

Class name is normally being used as a selector to select specific element with specific CSS Styling. It score the the third highest in specificity CSS.

Example of  Class


 <h3 class="hclass"> I am a Header 3 with class</h3>


    font-family: sans-serif;
    text-shadow: 2px,2px ,5px,orange;
    line-height: normal;


CSS Specificity
It has a Score of 10.



Html Element are syntax which has a Start tag and an end tag “<> </>” . In Specificity CSS, it score the lowest.


Example of  Elements


<h3> I am a Header 3 </h3>


    font-family: sans-serif;
    text-shadow: 2px,2px ,5px,deeppink;
    line-height: normal;


CSS Specificity
It has a Score of 1.



To wrap things up ,the Browser will select the styling which consist of the highest CSS Specificity scores, to be appeared on site.
Check out CSS grouping here

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