Array Functions in PHP

Array Functions in PHP

Array Functions in PHP ,Well there are a whole list of functions in Array.There are a few important Array functions which are widely apply. In this article we will step through which Array functions which commonly used. In the meantime refer the Link below on where to find Array Functions resources

  1. PHP Array Function here.
  2. PHP API here.

There are many Array Type in PHP

  1. Common Array here
  2. Associative Array here
  3. Multidimensional Array here

Below List show a few of Important Array functions that we will discuss in this Article.

  1. Dumping Arrays
  2. Sorting Arrays
  3. Counting Arrays
  4. Shuffling Arrays
  5. Checking Arrays
  6. Array Replacement

There are a few more Array Functions that can be useful, but in this article we will not be able to cover every single one of them . But anyway you can try them out yourself by referring the Link which i have provided above. There are very clear and comprehensive explanation provided.

Array Functions in PHP/ Dumping Arrays

var_dump is used when you want to dump all the values or variable contains inside an Array. Normally this is used when you want to empty the Array Container, clearing content in the Array Container, or replacing variables in the Array Container etc.

Refer the Code Below 






Array Functions in PHP /Sorting Arrays

There are a few Sorting array Function available, In here we will discuss only one of them as an example

  • asort()
  • ksort()
  • krsort()
  • rsort()

When ” asort ” is used, it will maintain the actual element sequence or index order in an Array.

Refer the Code Below 



$stock = array("hammer","saw","screwdriver","nail");
$stock['motorised']= "chainsaw";

foreach ($stock as $number => $value){
	echo $number.' = '.$value.'<BR>';


asort php

Array Functions in PHP /Counting Arrays

To count the Numbers of arrays inside the array container you use the “count()” function.

Refer the Code Below 



$stock = array("hammer","saw","screwdriver","nail");
$stock['motorised']= "chainsaw";

foreach ($stock as $number => $value){
	echo $number.' = '.$value.'<BR>';
    echo '<BR>'. $array_number;



count in php

Shuffling Array

The Shuffling Array function is being used when you want the sequence of the Array to appear differently when the browser page is being refresh.

Refer the Code Below 



$stock = array("hammer","saw","screwdriver","nail");
$stock['motorised']= "chainsaw";

foreach ($stock as $number => $value){
	echo $number.' = '.$value.'<BR>';
    echo '<BR>'. $array_number;



shuffle in php
Before Refresh Browser

shuffle in php
after refresh browser


Checking Arrays

This is used when you want to check whether an elements exist inside an array.In order to do this you use “in_array” to check it.

Refer the Code Below 



$stock = array("hammer","saw","screwdriver","nail");
$stock['motorised']= "chainsaw";

foreach ($stock as $number => $value){
	echo $number.' = '.$value.'<BR>';
    echo '<BR>'. $array_number;
if (in_array("hammer",$stock)){
	echo'<BR>'."Yes Hammer is in Stock";
	echo'<BR>'."the Item is not in stock";



In Array Checking in PHP


Array Replacement

This is used when you want to replace the entire element inside an array, with a group of elements in another array.

Refer the Code Below 



$stock = array("hammer","saw","screwdriver","nail");
$stock['motorised']= "chainsaw";

$replacement=array("hack screw");


foreach ($stock as $number => $value){
	echo $number.' = '.$value.'<BR>';
    echo '<BR>'. $array_number;
if (in_array("hammer",$stock)){
	echo'<BR>'."Yes Hammer is in Stock";
	echo'<BR>'."the Item is not in stock";




array replacement in php

Array Slicing

array_slice functions will be use to extract a Slice of an array.
array_slice() returns the elements sequence from the array with the specified length set in the Parameter
array_slice ( array $array , int $offset [, int $length = NULL [, bool $preserve_keys = FALSE ]] ) : array

$stock = array("hammer","saw","screwdriver","nail");

// Slice the Array

// will Slive the Output Starting at Index 1  with  slice Length equals 2

// Return 
0 = saw
1 = screwdriver
array(2) { [0]=> string(3) "saw" [1]=> string(11) "screwdriver" } 


$output = array_slice($stock , 1, 2);  

foreach ($output as $number => $value){
    echo $number.' = '.$value.'<BR>';


Merging Arrays

array_merge -> The below Sample Code will use Array merge function to merge 2 Arrays into 1

$stock = array("hammer","saw","screwdriver","nail");
$anotherStock = array("nails", "Silicone", "screws");

// Merge the Array
$arrayMerge = array_merge($stock, $anotherStock );

foreach ($arrayMerge as $number => $value){
    echo $number.' = '.$value.'<BR>';


Output as Below

0 = hammer
1 = saw
2 = screwdriver
3 = nail
4 = nails
5 = Silicone
6 = screws



Hopefully now you have an idea on how to use Array Functions in PHP, and where to find resources.
Check out Adding Object inside Array here


Check Out How to access an Array inside an array here.

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