Random Background Colour PHP

Random Background Colour PHP

In this article , we will try to generate a random back ground colour using PHP, when the Browser is being refresh.

Follow the Step by Step below

  1. First we will create a function , i named it “GenerateColor()”
  2. Then I will assign the First value”#” to  $randomcolor
  3. I assign an initial value for $i , this will be applied into the do, while loop
  4. I create a  do , while loop, do when $i value is less than 6,
  5. Why is it 6 as the Colour code have 6 digit or alphabet + the “#”sign
  6. The “rand()” function is used , limit between 0 to 15
  7. Why is it 15 as Hex digit counts from 0 to 9 , starting from 10 to 15 it will be A to F
  8. I create a switch in the  the do while loop by switching the $RandomNumber
  9. The Switch will reassign the Value for 10= A , 11=B, 12=C ,13=D, 14=E, 15=F.
  10. In the Do while loop , the I is incremented
  11. The Value of  $randomcolor = ‘#’ is append or concatenate to the $RandomNumber Value.


Refer the Code Below for the Random Background Colour PHP Code


function GenerateColor(){
                        $randomcolor = '#';
                                              $RandomNumber = rand(0,15);
                                                  switch ($RandomNumber) {
                                                                  case 10:$RandomNumber='A';
                                                                  case 11:$RandomNumber='B';
                                                                  case 12:$RandomNumber='C';
                                                                  case 13:$RandomNumber='D';
                                                                  case 14:$RandomNumber='E';
                                                                  case 15:$RandomNumber='F';
                                                $randomcolor .= $RandomNumber;
//$rcolor = '#FF0000';
return $randomcolor ;
echo '<div style="padding:20px;background-color:'.GenerateColor().';color:'.GenerateColor().'">
 Random background color</div>';

Check out Array Function in PHP here

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