GST Comparison in Asia

GST Comparison in Asia

GST Comparison in Asia! Stands for  Goods and Services Tax . GST is  a main source of tax revenue income  for many governments in Asia. In the amidst, news ,Singapore Government  going to raise taxes, probably on GST due to higher public spending .Lets check out where , Singapore GST stands in comparison to the GST rate by other countries in Asia.

Generally Asia countries , have a standard flat rate for all Good and Services, tax. India is an Exception , good and service taxes varied accordingly. But there are effort in India to make a one Flat rate to achieve their Country One tax One nation vision.

Surprisingly there is one developed States In Asia , that do not have GST , that is Hong Kong.

Refer the Table for GST Comparison in Asia

No Country GST Rate
1 Singapore 7%
2 Hong Kong 0%
3 South Korea 10%
4 Japan 8%
5 Taiwan 5%
6 Australia 10%
7 Malaysia 5% to 10% ( SST )   Depending on the goods in question
8 Indonesia 10%
9 Thailand 7%
10 Vietnam 10%
11 China 17% Various Exception applied
12 India Multiple GST Rate

Well after comparing the GST tax rate for various country , Singapore still are among one of the lowest GST tax rate  in Asia.

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