Personal Income Tax Comparison in Asean
Majority of the ASEAN Countries applied progressive Personal income tax scheme model. Meaning that the more you earn , the more tax you will pay. PIT or personal income Tax are levied to all wage earner.
Different countries in ASEAN has her own jurisdiction on how to categorised the income bracket of their wage earner.
There are one Country in ASEAN which have 0% PIT , that is Brunei
I have Summarised the table below showing the Tax Comparison of different country in ASEAN. This is just a rough estimation from me , it might not be precise accurate . You can use this as for your own info.
For better reference, refer the tax portal of the individual countries.
Annual Income in USD | Singapore | Malaysia | Indonesia | Thailand | Phillipines | Vietnam | Myanmar | Laos | Cambodia |
0-250 | 0% | 0% | 6% | 0% | 5% | 5% | 0% | 0- 5% | 0- 5% |
250-500 | 0% | 0% | 6% | 0% | 10% | 5% | 0% | 10% | 0- 5% |
500-1000 | 0% | 0% | 6% | 0% | 15% | 5% | 0% | 10% | 10% |
1000-2000 | 0% | 1% | 6% | 0% | 20% | 10% | 5% | 15% | 15%- 20% |
2000-5000 | 0% | 1% | 6% | 0% | 25% | 10% | 5% | 20% | 20% |
5000-7500 | 0% | 5% | 15% | 5% | 30% | 15% | 10% | 24% | 20% |
7500-10000 | 0% | 5% | 15% | 10% | 30% | 20% | 15% | 24% | 20% |
10000-12500 | 0% | 10% | 15% | 15% | 32% | 20% | 15% | 24% | 20% |
13000-15000 | 0% | 16% | 15% | 15% | 32% | 20% | 15% | 24% | 20% |
15000-20000 | 2% | 16% | 15% | 15% | 32% | 25% | 20% | 24% | 20% |
20000-25000 | 3.5% | 21% | 25% | 20% | 32% | 25% | 25% | 24% | 20% |
25000-27000 | 3.5% | 24% | 25% | 20% | 32% | 30% | 25% | 24% | 20% |
29000-38000 | 3.5% | 24% | 25% | 25% | 32% | 30% | 25% | 24% | 20% |
38000-41000 | 7% | 24% | 25% | 25% | 32% | 30% | 25% | 24% | 20% |
41000-55000 | 7% | 24% | 30% | 25% | 32% | 35% | 25% | 24% | 20% |
55000-100000 | 11.5% | 24.5% | 30% | 30% | 32% | 35% | 25% | 24% | 20% |
100000-125000 | 11.5% | 25% | 30% | 35% | 32% | 35% | 25% | 24% | 20% |
150000-175000 | 15% | 26% | 30% | 35% | 32% | 35% | 25% | 24% | 20% |
175000-200000 | 18% | 26% | 30% | 35% | 32% | 35% | 25% | 24% | 20% |
200000-250000 | 19-22.5% | 26-28% | 30% | 35% | 32% | 35% | 25% | 24% | 20% |
Note: The Table above is just an Estimation , might not be accurate, only for personal reference.
Hopefully you got a rough idea about Personal Income Tax Comparison in Asean
Check out GST Comparison in Asia Country here