Text Styling and Formatting CSS
Text Styling and Formatting CSS!In this Article we will step through all kinds of styling method, which applied to style fonts.Basically there are a lot of font styling parameter that than you could barely imagine, can be applied during styling our website fonts. You would’t necessary remember all these methods in your mind. The most important thing is , to know where to apply. , where to search out for all these resources.
The Below show the list of CSS Parameters that we will discuss in this article.
- font-family
- font-style
- line-height
- text-align
- color
- font-size
- text-decoration
- letter-spacing
- word-spacing
- text-transform
Something that we should take note when assigning fonts .We should always assign more than one “font-family” , as some browser might not be able to pick up the type of font family that we assigned.Thus if you assigned more than one ” font-family ” .There will always be a back up font , when the first font failed.
Font Family in Text Styling and Formatting CSS
There are virtually thousands of font family out there in the Internet. Some may be free , some you might need to pay .Not all Browser, machines, computers recognised the types of font that we declare in our Website. CSS have a Fall back function which enable CSS programmer to list out a few “font-family” so when the first one fail , it will fall back and display the other font family option.
Check out the type of font family over here
Check out the Code Below
First I have created an Index HTML under a div tag under the class name”fontstyling”
<div class="fontstyling"> <p>I am Styling a Font</p> <p>What is your Favoutite Style</p> </div>
CSS Styling
.fontstyling{ font-family: Arial Narrow, sans-serif; }
Basically , there are only a few type of font style available in CSS. Refer the Below for the types of font-style available.
No | Value | Description |
1 | Normal | Default Font Style displayed |
2 | italic | Italic Font Style displayed |
3 | Oblique | Oblique Font Style displayed |
4 | Initial | Property Set to Default Value |
5 | Inherit | Property from Parent inherited |
Check out the Code Below
.fontstyling{ font-family: Arial Narrow, sans-serif; font-style: italic; }
Font Color
All Font needs colour. The Colour for your font should match the Design and Background of your theme.To choose your Font Colour you can use the CSS Colour Picker here
Check out the Code Below
.fontstyling{ font-family: Arial Narrow, sans-serif; font-style: italic; color:#6666ff; }
Line Height
The Line Height is the ” line height” between the line above and the below text Line
Check out the Code Below
.fontstyling{ font-family: Arial Narrow, sans-serif; font-style: italic; color:#6666ff; line-height: 5; }
Text Align
This Function Allows you to place your text either, Left, right, center etc. Refer the table below for available text Align Function.
No | Value | Description |
1 | Left | Align the Text Left |
2 | right | Align the text right |
3 | Center | Align the text center |
4 | justify | stretches both line with equal width |
5 | initial | Set to its Default values |
6 | inherit | Inherit its parent values |
Check out the Code Below
.fontstyling{ font-family: Arial Narrow, sans-serif; font-style: italic; color:#6666ff; line-height: 5; text-align: center; }
Text Decoration
Text decoration normally referring to how line are being assign to a text object. Refer the table below for available text-decoration function in CSS.
No | Value | Description |
1 | None | No Line Assign |
2 | underline | Line Below the Text |
3 | Overline | Line above the Text |
4 | line-through | Line through the text |
5 | initial | Set to its Default values |
6 | inherit | Inherit its parent values |
Check out the Code Below
.fontstyling{ font-family: Arial Narrow, sans-serif; font-style: italic; color:#6666ff; line-height: 5; text-align: center; text-decoration: underline; }
Letter Spacing and word spacing
Letter Spacing and word spacing. These function is used to space out between letter and words.
Check out the Code Below
.fontstyling{ font-family: Arial Narrow, sans-serif; font-style: italic; color:#6666ff; line-height: 5; text-align: center; text-decoration: underline; letter-spacing: 10px; }
Text Transform
This Function allows you to capitalize, uppercase, lowercase etc. Refer the table below for the available function option.
No | Value | Description |
1 | None | No capitalisation |
2 | capitalize | First Word of each word will be transform to upper case |
3 | uppercase | Transform all character to uppercase |
4 | lowercase | Transform all character to lowercase |
5 | initial | Set to its Default values |
6 | inherit | Inherit its parent values |
Check out the Code Below
.fontstyling{ font-family: Arial Narrow, sans-serif; font-style: italic; color:#6666ff; line-height: 5; text-align: center; text-decoration: underline; letter-spacing: 10px; text-transform: uppercase; }
I think this wrap out the article for Text Styling and Formatting CSS, hopefully that helps out.
Check out CSS Specificity here