Monthly Average Salary Comparison in Asia

Monthly Average Salary Comparison in Asia

Monthly Average Salary Comparison in Asia. Asia is a very diverse continent, where  it host the majority of ethnic and language in the world.

The pace of development in Asia differs in various countries due to its diversity nature. There are a lot of young nation which  rise up recently  2 to 3 decades ago from ashes of war.

The gap of income between the Asia Continent is closing up , due to determination of  one country to improve their people standard of living and to chase up the gone by under developed years cause by war and turbulence.


Refer the Table for Monthly Average Salary Comparison in Asia

No Country Monthly Income in Local Currencies Monthly Income in USD
1 Singapore S$4232 $3131.55
2 Hong Kong HKD 16200 $2075.06
3 South Korea WON$4336019 $3989.14
4 Japan Yen368333 $3245.0137
5 Taiwan NTD45814 $1526.06
6 Australia Aussi $5833 $4391.26
7 Malaysia MYR 5228 $1282.32
8 Indonesia INDR2625000 $193.72
9 Thailand Thai Baht 13877 $425.61
10 Vietnam Dong 5500000 $241.451
11 China RMB 6000 $906.06
12 India Indian Rupee 39645.08 $616


Referring to the Data gather above , we could see a big monthly average salary  difference between the developed countries.

Developing Countries average salary , might take some time to catch up with the developed countries. This will depends on the government effort and determination . To provide incentive to build up the infrastructure and skill set of their people.

Attracting FDI is important for developing countries as , this will generate supply and demands to local SME Thus encourage transfer of technology and skills to the local work force.A Highly Skilled worker will be able to demand for a higher remuneration payout.


check out Trading Economics for more Comprehensive Data Here

Check out Personal income Tax Comparison in Asean Region here

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