Getter and Setter in Java

Getter and Setter in Java

Getter and Setter in Java. In this article we will look into what is a getter and setter and how to create a getter setter following step by step through the sample program that i have created below.

In order to show what is a getter and setter, i will create 2 separate class, one is the Class i name it” Dog” and the  second class that i will create i name it “accessDog”. This class main function is to access the “Dog” class .

To Understand what is a getter and Setter is very important for a java Programmer.Setter and getter are use to pass on value from object to object, so it is widely use , and is very important that we fully understood the conept.


Follow the Step by Step below to understand what is a Getter and Setter in Java

  1. First i will create a Class name “Dog” . Note: The naming convention of all classes should start with a capital letter in Java.
  2. I created a few private variable for this Class “dogbreed”, “dogcolor”,”dogAge” Note : Private Variable can only exist or being access within its own Class
  3. I created a “Setter” Method name “setDogBreed” this method function is to set a string value into the variable.
  4. .this.dogbreed = dogbreed; mean the parameter dogbreed inside the metod setDogBreed() will be assigned to the variable private String dogbreed;
  5. Then I created a method called getDogBreed() this method function is to return the string value from private String dogbreed;
  6.         public class Dog {
    	               private String dogbreed;
    	               private String dogcolor;
    	               private int dogAge;
    	public void setDogBreed(String dogbreed){
    		                                 this.dogbreed = dogbreed;
    	            public String getDogBreed(){
    		                               return this.dogbreed;
  7. Now I will create a Class call “AccessDog” to access the Class “Dog”
  8. First and Foremost you need to import import java.util.*; to use the Scanner Function
  9. Declare a static String “inputBreed” that we will use later
  10. Create a new Scanner obeject call inputScan
  11. Create a new Dog object called yuanyuan
  12. Print out and ask your user to input the Dog Breed of Yuan Yuan
  13. Save the User Input value into inputBreed
  14. Print out the Breed of Yuan yuan via the yuanyuan.getDogBreed() inside the Dog class
  15. Close inputScan
  16.         package oop2;
            import java.util.*;
            public class AccessDog {
    	                       static String inputBreed;
    	                        public static void main(String[] args) {
    		                                                       Scanner inputScan = new Scanner(;
    		                                                        Dog yuanyuan =new Dog();
    		                                                       System.out.println("Key in Yuan Yuan Breed");
    		                                                       inputBreed  =inputScan.nextLine();
    		                                                        System.out.println("Yuan Yuan dog breed is " + yuanyuan.getDogBreed());


Well that wraps up the article about getter and setter in Java , check out Java Equivalent of cin here
Check out the Java Library here


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