UberEATS vs Foodpanda vs Deliveroo

UberEATS vs Foodpanda vs Deliveroo

UberEATS vs Foodpanda vs Deliveroo. Just finished your work , and reach home. Feeling a bit lazy to go out where there are lots of crowds , ques that stressed you out , as you just want to get a simple meal without much Hassle.

You lay down on your couch, you feel your heavy feet, beckoning you to stay on your comfortable Sofa. You don’t feel like moving, but you are freaking hungry after a stressful work day.You need food to replenish.

Thanks to Technologies now you can sit at your couch and order your food via online or APPS.

Lets Compare UberEATS vs Foodpanda vs Deliveroo refering the Table below


No Description UberEats FoodPanda Deliveroo
1 Focus Market All Types Cheap to MidRange Restaurant Midrange to High end Restaurant
2 Delivery Charges S$3 flat Vary from restaurant S$3 flat
3 Delivery Time 35 Minutes 30 Minutes t<32 Minutes
4 Delivery Hour Mon-Fri: 11:00 to 23:00; Sat & Sun: 10:00 to 23:00 24 hours 12:00 to 23:00 daily
5 Minimum Order None Differ By restaurants Differ By restaurants normally S$25
6 Delivery Area Island Wide Island Wide Island Wide
7 Features driver delivering your food can be tracked using mobile app 24-hour delivery service available G et free Deliveroo credits if you refer a friend or relative.
8 Deals New User can Enjoy free Delivery and promotion, Details check out their sites Coupon and Vouchers partnering with Bank Details check out their sites First timers can use the promo code
9 Phone Number No Phone/ contact email is eats@uber.com (65) 6589-8669 65) 3163-5199
10 Website www.ubereats.com/singapore www.foodpanda.sg www.deliveroo.com.sg

Hopefully now you got an Idea , what you would want to order  for your dinner at the end of this table.

Check out BTO vs Resale HDB vs EC over here

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