Java While Loop

Java While Loop

Java While Loop. In this article, i will go through how to incorporate a While loop into our sample program using the while loop in Java.

There are 2 kinds of While Loop

  • While() – This will check the initial condition inside the parentheses before  initiating the conditional statement.
  • do{}While()- This will initiating the loop , and check the condition later after that.

To explain how to use DO While loop in Java , i will create a sample program , which enable the user to input a number from 0 to 9 to guess the Secret number.

Let Step into the Code below to incorporate Java While Loop into our sample program

In the sample code below, i will create 2 function . The first one is to check whether the User have input the value more than “i>10”. The second function is to print out a value to warn the User that they did not follow instruction and have input  the value out of  the threshold 0<i <10. I will skip exception handling in this sample,where if the user enter a text instead of an integer the system will return an error.

  1. First let create a function call overwrittten() to check whether the user input more than  the given threshold.
  2. The function will overwrite the User input value , and return the value
  3. Second create a function which warn the User , that they have input a value more than the given threshold,This function will print out a message
  4. Now lets go back to our main and import the Scanner Library then create a new scanner object called “inputScanner”
  5. Create 2 variable , “i & checkpoint”. we will need the i to get the while loop moving
  6. Start our while loop by setting the condition while (i>=0 && i< 10 )
  7. Print out the message to ask the user to guess the number between 0 to 9
  8. Assign the User input from the object scanner to the variable checkInput
  9. Use the overwrittten(checkInput) function to check the User Input
  10. Use the warnUser(checkInput) to output a message warning the user whether they have key in the value within the required threshold.
  11. Now lets assign our secret number. Our secret number is 8.When the User input 8 ,it will break out of the while loop and display the message “You have enter the Correct number the secret number is 8”
  12. Voila , we have made it again . Just created our very first While loop in Java
  13. package oop2;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class secretnumber {
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		Scanner inputScan1 =new Scanner(;
    		int i =0;
    		int checkInput;
    		while (i>=0 && i< 10 ){
    			System.out.println("Guess the Secret number from 0-9, ");
    			System.out.println("you have enter "+checkInput);
    			else if (i==8){
    	      System.out.println("You have enter the Correct number the secret number is 8");
    	public static int overwrittten(int userInput){
    		int overwritevalue=2;
    		if( userInput>=10){
    			//Overwrite the Value
    			overwritevalue =0;
    			overwritevalue =userInput;
    		return overwritevalue;
    	public static void warnUser(int input){
    		if(input >=10){
    			System.out.println("Hey Follow Instruction 0 to 9 only");

Check out how to create constructor in Java here
Check out Java Library at Oracle here


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