What is Static Keyword in Java

What is Static Keyword in Java

What is Static Keyword in Java? In this Article i will step through the sample code that  created by me to learn about the static keyword

What is a Static Keyword?

  • Any property that you want all your instance or object to  share, you  declare it as “Static”.
  • For example you have class named Dog, all dog barks right, so you would want to declare the “private static String dogSound ” as static. Unless one of your dog meow, just kidding.
  • Direct access the static member without creating a class instance.So conclusion Static Variable is a member of the Class they are  not a member of the Instance or object.


In this Code Example below , i will create 2 Classes, the first one is the class of Dog, and the other  is a class to access the Object.

Let Step through the code to learn what is Static Keyword in Java

  1. First i created a class call “StaticExample”
  2. In this class i declared All variable as private since the variable is only reserve for this class only
  3. I declare private static String dogSound =”Barking”;as Static as i want this property to be share by all instance or object. Everyone knows dog barks
  4. I created 2 Constructor, the first one is the constructor which provide the default value, when no value is set
  5. The Second Constructor is where the user can set the value of the ” StaticExample Class “
  6. Declare all the Getter Setter for the Private Variable , to learn about Getter Setter Click here
  7. package staticpack;
    public class StaticExample {
    	private String dogName;
    	private String dogColor;
    	private String dogBreed;
    	private static String dogSound ="Barking";
    	private String objName ;
    	public StaticExample(){
    		this.dogName = "wangwang";
                    this.dogBreed = "labrador";
                    this.dogColor = "brown";
    		//This is the Default Dog Feature set by the Constructor
    	public StaticExample(String objName ,String dogName ,String dogBreed , String dogColor ){
    		      this.objName = objName;
    		      this.dogName = dogName;
    		      this.dogBreed = dogBreed;
    		      this.dogColor = dogColor;
    	public String getDogName() {
    		return dogName;
    	public void setDogName(String dogName) {
    		this.dogName = dogName;
    	public String getDogColor() {
    		return dogColor;
    	public void setDogColor(String dogColor) {
    		this.dogColor = dogColor;
    	public String getDogBreed() {
    		return dogBreed;
    	public void setDogBreed(String dogBreed) {
    		this.dogBreed = dogBreed;
    	public static String getDogSound() {
    		return dogSound;
    	public static void setDogSound(String dogSound) {
    		StaticExample.dogSound = dogSound;
            public String getObjName() {
    		return objName;
    	public void setObjName(String objName) {
    		this.objName = objName;
  8. We have done our StaticExample class , let create another class call StaticDemo to access it
  9. First importjava.util.* we are going to use the scanner in this example
  10. Create the Static String Variable for createDog; assignDogInstance; newdogname; newbreed; newcolor; we will pass the input scanner value into this variable later in the program below
  11. Create 5 new Scanner Object
  12. At this Moment we have not created an Object or instance yet
  13. Some Alien is asking how Does Dog sound like?
  14. Since the dogsound varible is declare as static in the StaticExample Class We can now direct access the variable information through the class name StaticExample.getDogSound()
  15. The Alien Want to create a new Dog with a DNA if the input is “y” the program will create a new dog object.
  16. The Alien will input all the Dog variable value
  17. All the Dog Variable value will be passed on through the constructor StaticExample(assignDogInstance ,newdogname ,newbreed , newcolor);
  18. The Last step is to print out all the value enter
  19. package staticpack;
    import java.util.*;
    public class StaticDemo {
    	static  String createDog;
    	static  String assignDogInstance;
    	static  String newdogname;
    	static  String newbreed;
    	static  String newcolor;
    	static Scanner inputscan1 = new Scanner(System.in);
    	static Scanner inputscan2 = new Scanner(System.in);
    	static Scanner inputscan3 = new Scanner(System.in);
    	static Scanner inputscan4 = new Scanner(System.in);
    	static Scanner inputscan5 = new Scanner(System.in);
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		System.out.println("Hi i am from Mar i am an Alien! how Does Dog sound like ");
    		//Direct access the static member without  creating a class instance.
    		System.out.println("I want to create a new dog with its Sample DNA . Press  (y) to proceed ");
    	        createDog = inputscan1.nextLine();
    	    	System.out.println("What is the name of the  new Dog you want to create");
    	    	assignDogInstance = inputscan2.nextLine();
    	    	System.out.println("What is the name of the Dog");
    	    	newdogname = inputscan3.nextLine();
    	    	System.out.println("What is the Dog Breed");
    	    	newbreed = inputscan4.nextLine();
    	    	System.out.println("What is the Dog color");
    	    	newcolor = inputscan5.nextLine();
    	    	StaticExample InputDog	= new StaticExample(assignDogInstance ,newdogname  ,newbreed , newcolor);

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