Static Rules and How to Access a Static Method in Java
Static Rules and How to Access a Static Method in Java. In this article we will look into the Static Rule , and how we can access a Static Method without using a Static Variable.
Refer the Table below for Static Rules.
No | Static Rules |
1 | A Static Method cannot use a non Static Variable or Method directly |
2 | The Keyword This & Super cannot be used in Static Context |
Refer the Code below to Learn How we can Access a Static Method
In this Code Example, I will create a Static Method , a static Variable and a non Static Variable as well
- As we are using the Scanner , to get the input data from the User , thus we might need to import java.util.*;
- The Second Step is to declare a Static Variable call “addInput”
- Create the Add static Method i called it addNumber
- This Method will take in the Value from the user , add the number together and return the result to the User via aNumber
- Go back to the main , create 2 new Scanner object inputScan1 and InputScan2
- Create a print out statement to ask the User to input their first Number
- Save the First Input into the public static int addInput
- Create a print out statement to ask the User to input their second Number
- Create a new object or instance of class staticRules
- Call the addNumber()via the new instance called formulaer that you have created and pass the user second input into the addNumber()method
- Assign the result to int output
- Finally Print out the Result
package oop2; import java.util.*; public class staticRules { public static int addInput; public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Scanner inputScan1= new Scanner(; Scanner inputScan2= new Scanner(; System.out.println("Please Key in your first Input Number"); addInput =inputScan1.nextInt(); System.out.println("Please Key in your Second Input Number"); int addInput2 =inputScan2.nextInt(); staticRules formulaer = new staticRules(); int output = formulaer.addNumber(addInput2 ); System.out.println("Your First Input + Second Input equal= ." + output); } public static int addNumber(int aNumber){ aNumber = aNumber + addInput; return aNumber; } }
Well this Wrap up on what is Static Rules and How to Access a Static Method in Java.Check out how to integrate Static Keyword over here
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