Reversing elements of an array in Java

Reversing elements of an array in Java

Reversing elements of an array in Java. In this Article i will show you how to reverse the Element in Java , and print it out .

In the sample program below, I will create a program to request  the user to input a String Value , and then i will pass the User String input into the Function and  split it into a separate single word or a single element inside an array.

Then i will grab the element value in the Array that i have just split , inside the For Loop. and pass the Value into a n Array List.The last step is to convert ArrayList<String>back  to String[]array[].

Refer the Step by step below on Reversing elements of an Array in Java

  1. First I have created a class call “reverseString”.
  2. As in this program we are using the input Scanner object to request the user to input their string value ,we will need to import java.util.*;
  3. The next step is to create the reverse method. First we will need to declare an Array List” ArrayListi named it inputValue1
  4. Then the Method will get the user input through String inputString inside the reverseText(String inputString)method
  5. After the Method receive the String from the User , it will split it into individual string element array and then passed it into String[]reverseInput
  6. Subsequently i created a for loop to loop back ward of every single element inside the “reverseInput” array.
  7. During the Looping process , the program will pass the value inside“reverseInput” into the ArrayList inputValue1.add(reverseInput[i]);
  8. After that i need to convert the ArrayList back to Normal Array and pass all the element values into a new Array i name it reverses
  9. The Final step is to return the Value through “reverses”
  10. Lets go back to our main program,create two new Variable called String Input_1; static String [] reverseOuput ; that we will need to pass through some value later in the program.
  11. Create a new Scanner object i called it “inputScan”
  12. Create a Print out to ask the User to input a value
  13. Scan the User input and call the reverseText()method that we created beforehand
  14. Pass the User Input into the Method Parentheses, and then assign the return value to the static String [] reverseOuput ; variable
  15. Create a For Loop to loop through every single Element inside the Array and print all the Element out one by one
  16. Always remember to close your scanner
package staticpack;
import java.util.*;

public class reverseString {
	// Public Scanner Object
	static String Input_1;
	static String [] reverseOuput ;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// Declare a Scanner Object
		Scanner inputScan = new Scanner(;
		// Require the User to input a Value.
		System.out.println("Please enter the Item Name");
		Input_1 = inputScan.nextLine();
		reverseOuput =reverseText(Input_1);
		//Print out all the arrays
		for ( int i=0 ;i<reverseOuput.length;i++){
			System.out.println(reverseOuput[i] );
	public static String[] reverseText(String inputString){
		ArrayList<String> inputValue1= new ArrayList<String>(); 
		String[]reverseInput = inputString.split("\\s+");
		int arrayLength = reverseInput.length;
		for (int i = arrayLength-1;i>=0;i-- )
		String reverses[] = new String[inputValue1.size()];
		reverses=	inputValue1.toArray(reverses);
		return reverses ;


or you can use the Sample Program below

package reverveInput;
import java.util.*;

public class reverseInputElement {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		 Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
		 System.out.println("Please enter a String :");
		String original = scan.nextLine();
		while(original.isEmpty()|| original==null){
			System.out.println(" Please enetr a string null String are not accepted");
			original = scan.nextLine();
		reverseInputElement reversechar = new reverseInputElement();
		String reverseCharacter = reversechar.reverseChars(original);
		private String reverseChars(String originalString){
			String reverses ="";
			for(int i =originalString.length()-1; i >=0; i--){
				reverses= reverses + originalString.charAt(i);
		return reverses;



Well that wraps up the topic on Reversing elements of an array in Java Check out Static Rules and How to Access a Static Method in Java here.

If you happen to still have any problem about JAVA, refer here

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