Inheritance in Java

Inheritance in Java

Inheritance in Java. In this Article i will explain what is inheritance Java programming by stepping through the sample program below

In the sample program below, first  I will create a main class named “car ” . This main class will be inherited by the  class which i will be creating call “toyota ” . Finally i will create a class call “createCar” to access both class.

Class Car

  1. First Declare a Variable for the car speed.
  2. Create a Constructor for for the Car Object
  3. Create the increase speed function
  4. Create the decrease speed function.


package Automation;

public class car {
	// Car Engine Volume
	int engineVolume;
	int carSpeed;
	// create Object Constructor
	public car (int speed ){
	carSpeed = speed;

	// Create increase Speed Function
	public void increaseSpeed (){
		System.out.println("Increasing the Car Speed");

   public void decreaseSpeed (){
		System.out.println("Decreasing the Car Speed");




Class toyota

  1. First I create a class call toyota.
  2. I use the extends word to inherit the car class
  3. Create a constructor for class toyota
  4. Using the Super word to access the car class function call“increaseSpeed ()”
  5. Use the @Overridekeyword to overwrite the information inside public void increaseSpeed () >
  6. Create a special function for class toyota


package Automation;

// Toyota inherit the car characteristic

public class toyota extends car {

	// Create a Constructor
	public toyota(int toyotaSpeed){
	// Override the default Speed
		public void increaseSpeed (){ 
			System.out.println("Increasing Toyota Speed");
		public void specialFeature(){
			System.out.println("Toyota Special Feature is less oil consumption");


Class createCar

  1. First i declare a parameter ” speed” to be feed into the instance parameter later
  2. Then I create a new instance call ” firstCar “
  3. Then I called the newly created ” firstCar ” instance increaseSpeed() function
  4. I create a new instance called ” altis” for the toyota class
  5. Then i call the new altis instance function increaseSpeed() and specialFeature();function
  6. Finally the most important ever remember to import both class you have created
package Automation;

public class createCar {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		int speed =0;
		// Create a New Car Object
		car  firstCar = new car(speed);
		// create a new toyota Model
		toyota altis = new toyota(speed);




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