Polymorphism in Java

Polymorphism in Java


What is P0lymorphism in Java >

Simple Explanation– A Single Method  in a  parent class , can be use  different way by its child Class through referencing.


Class Animalss

  1. First i have created a parent class i called it “animalss”
  2. All animals make noise right
  3. The next step i have created a method call ” makeNoise()”


package polys;

public class acessAnimals {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		animalss referrals;
		referrals = new knine();
		referrals = new kittys();




Class knine

  1. Then I created a Child Class called knine
  2. I created a method name makeNoise() same as the Parent / Super Class animalss
  3. Then i modify the Out put of the Method makeNoise()
  4. Dog Make noise “Woof Woof “
  5. I repeat the step above from 1 to 4 and create a child class call Kittys


package polys;

public class knine extends animalss {
  public void makeNoise(){
		System.out.println("Woof woof");



Class kittys


package polys;

public class kittys extends animalss {
	  public void makeNoise(){
			System.out.println("Miao Miao");



Class accessanimals


  1. I create this class to acces the kninne and kittys class
  2. I declare a referencings called “referrals” towards the animalss parent object
  3. The ” referrals ” is refer to the new object knine
  4. Print out the Knine method “makeNoise “
  5. The ” referrals ” is refer to the new object kittys
  6. Print out the kittys method “makeNoise “


package polys;

public class acessAnimals {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		animalss referrals;
		referrals = new knine();
		referrals = new kittys();




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