Encapsulation in Java
Encapsulation in Java.
- Wrapping Private Data and bind the whole data and code as a single unit
- Hide Data, only can be access by the method of its current class.
How to Do Encapsulaion
- Declare the Variable as Private
- Create getter and Setter for the private Variable
Parent class the cars
package cars; public class cars { // Basic Car function public int speeds; // Create the Parent Class Constructor public cars(int speeds) { this.speeds = speeds; } // speeding is a Public Function , as you know all car Speed public int increaseSpeed(int increase){ int result; result =speeds +increase; return result; } //decrease is a Public Function , as you know all car Speed decrease public int decreaseSpeed(int decrease){ int results; results=speeds -decrease; return results; } //Check Horse Power // auto Car }
Child class audi
package cars; public class audi extends cars { int horsePower; private String Patents =" This is the Audi Design know How"; public audi(int speeds,int horsePower) { super(speeds); this.horsePower= horsePower; } //************Inherited all this basic car function from cars class************ // Basic Car function // speeding is a Public Function , all car Speed //decrease speed //****************************************************************************** // Child Class audi special Function public void audiAuto(){ System.out.println("Audi is an AutoCar "); } //*****************Special Function only at this Class audi*************************************** public void checkHorsePower( int horsePower){ if (horsePower >1200){ System.out.println("Is a Big Car"); } else{ System.out.println("Is a small Car"); } } //**********************Encapsulation Getter and Setter**************************************************** public String getPatents() { return Patents; } public void setPatents(String patents) { Patents = patents; } //*******************Calibrate Audi Performance Design****************************** //*******This Method can only be accesible within this Class**************** private void calibration(String cali ){ if(cali=="Y"){ System.out.println("Calibration Successful"); } else{ System.out.println("Not calibrated"); } } }
Child class theCar
package cars; public class theCar { public static void main(String[] args) { int speedDecre=0; audi x08 = new audi(300,1500); x08.checkHorsePower(1600); System.out.println(x08.getPatents()); x08.audiAuto(); speedDecre =x08.decreaseSpeed(100); System.out.println("The Speed now is : " + speedDecre); } }
Can’t access the calibration(String cali ) as this is only restricted in the audi class
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