Encapsulation in Java

Encapsulation in Java

Encapsulation in Java.

  1. Wrapping Private Data and bind the whole data and code as a single unit
  2. Hide Data, only can be access by the method of its current class.

How to Do Encapsulaion

  1. Declare the Variable as Private
  2. Create getter and Setter for the private Variable


Parent class the cars

package cars;

public class cars {
	// Basic Car function 
	 public int speeds;

	 // Create the Parent Class Constructor
	 public cars(int speeds) {
			this.speeds = speeds;

	// speeding  is a Public Function , as you know all car Speed 

	public int increaseSpeed(int increase){
		int result;
		result =speeds +increase;
		 return result;

	//decrease is a Public Function , as you know all car Speed  decrease
      public int decreaseSpeed(int decrease){
    	 int results; 
		 results=speeds -decrease;
		 return  results;
	//Check Horse Power

	// auto Car



Child class audi

package cars;

public class audi extends cars {

	int horsePower;
	private String Patents =" This is the Audi Design know How";
	public audi(int speeds,int horsePower) {
		this.horsePower= horsePower;

//************Inherited all this basic car function from cars class************
	// Basic Car function 
    // speeding  is a Public Function , all car Speed 
   //decrease speed
// Child Class audi special Function 

	public void audiAuto(){
		System.out.println("Audi is an AutoCar ");
//*****************Special Function only at this Class audi***************************************
	public void checkHorsePower( int horsePower){
		if (horsePower >1200){
			System.out.println("Is a Big Car");
			System.out.println("Is a small Car");

//**********************Encapsulation Getter and Setter****************************************************	

	public String getPatents() {
		return Patents;

	public void setPatents(String patents) {
		Patents = patents;
//*******************Calibrate Audi Performance Design******************************
//*******This Method can only be accesible within this Class****************
	 private void calibration(String cali ){
			 System.out.println("Calibration Successful");
			 System.out.println("Not calibrated");




Child class theCar

package cars;

public class theCar {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int speedDecre=0;
		audi x08 = new audi(300,1500);
		speedDecre =x08.decreaseSpeed(100);
	    System.out.println("The Speed now is  : " + speedDecre);




Can’t access the calibration(String cali ) as this is only restricted in the audi class





Check out Polymorphism in Java here

Check out  Oracle tutorial here


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