Writing and Reading Information from a File in Python
Writing and Reading Information from a File in Python. in this article i will show how to read and write file by stepping through the sample python code.
Writing File
- Before we are able to write a file , we need to open it
- So i use the open() python finction to open the file call “employee.txt” by assigning the “w” ehich is a write function
- And save the result into a Variable myfile
>>> myfile=open("employee.txt","w")
- Now i will write some info into the file
>>> myfile.write("Mike\nJack")
- After you are done , close the file
- Open the file again
- Use the read() function to read the content inside the file
- save what you have read inside a variable
- Print out the variable
>>> myfile.close() >>> myfile=open("employee.txt") >>> m =myfile.read() >>> print(m)
Out Put should look like this
Mike Jackbrian >>>
Check out Custom Function in Python here