Install MongoDB in windows

Install MongoDB in windows


Install MongoDB in windows, In this Article i will guide you through on how to install Mongo DB in Windows?

What is Mongo DB ?

Mongo is a no sequel database , it works with Documents in Json format , and has an Auto Generation ID for inserted Data.


Difference between Mongo DB and Sequel Data Base ?


No MongoDB Sequel DataBase
1 Flexibility Rigid predefined structure of column and row.
2 Cannot Create relationship Can Create relationship
3 Scalable Hard to Scale
4 Created on Demand Table Structure
5 Auto Generated ID Pre Define ID

Installing Mongo DB

  1. Download Mongo DB here
  2. Start the Installation .

Making New Directory to Hold Mongo DB database

  1. Open Command Prompt
  2. Type  “md\data\db   –> Meaning Make a directory call data , and inside the data Directory there is another directory call db

Connecting Mongo DB

  1. Navigate to your Mongo DB Directory
  2. When you found the Mongo DB Bin Directory, at the Search Panel type “cmd”
  3. The System will open Command Prompt
  4. Type ” mongod.exe”
  5. Then Open another ” Command Prompt” window
  6. At the New Command Prompt Window type “mongo.exe –port 27017
  7. Finally the Mongo internal Host Server will be Connected


Check what Data Base you have inside Mongo DB

  1. At your Command Prompt type ” show dbs “


Check what Data Base you have inside Mongo DB

  1. Insert An Entry call ” Products ” into the Mongo DB Database
  2. Type  the Json Format” db.products.insert({“productName”: Donut”, “price” : 5.00})

Check out Mongo DB database Entry

  1. At your Command Prompt type “show collections”
  2. Type db.products.find().pretty()


Check out Loading Data From csv json Excel Text Using Python . Here

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