Day Trip to Inari Shrine
Previously I wrote a blog on my Night Trip to Inari Shrine . As on that particular night, i did not got the chance to complete my hike to the Top due to heavy down pour. I have decided to come back the next day morning to complete my Journey.
This place light up my fantasy, i was mesmerized and hook by the Beauty and nature she offers. A stroll through the woods is like entering into another realm. You can only get that feel once you enter deep into the woods. As for the initial few hundred meter route, are pack with tourist, the noise , crowd and people taking selfie have ruin the nature course .To shy away from the crowd you might need to venture deeper to enjoy the serenity and peacefulness of Inari
The Main Gates to the Thousands Torii
Entering the Main Entrance …
Cleanse Your Spirit and Shower Your Luck
I just cleanse my spirit here…..
Entering the Shrine
The Guardian
The Journey Begins….
Walking through the Gate
Your First stop
Paying Respect
Going Deep
As you go deeper and deeper, there will be less people and crowd.
The Enchanted Lake
Beware for Wild Boar
Going Strong Approaching the Top
Finally on Top A Bird Eye View of Kyoto City
Going Down
Saying Good Bye , some day i will be back
My Day Trip to Inari Shrine ends here ………..