Create a new object on click JavaScript

Create a new object on click JavaScript

Create a new Object on Click Javascript . In this Article i will show you how to create a new Object by clicking a Button. After that i will  push the newly created Object into an Array. Finally i will demonstrate  how to delete the Object from the Array as well.

In this Javascript Sample Code i will Create 3 function

  1. cClone() -> Use to create the Object and push the Created object into the Array
  2. outArray() -> This Function will loop through the Array  and Object  to print out all the assets contain inside the Object
  3. tObject() -> This Function will remove the Object inside the Array

To Create This Sample Code, i will need  few things Setup in HTML

  1. ” Number of Clone ” Button for the User to view all objects contain inside the Array
  2.  3 text Boxes (  Clone Name , Serial Number, Gender )
  3.  ” Create Clone ” Button , to create the Object
  4. A Terminate text box  for the User to input the ” clone Number”
  5. A ” terminate ” Button to delete the Object from the Array.

The How To Create a new object on click JavaScript Application is as Below

Start Cloning

Clone Name :

Serial Number :

Gender :

Terminate :


How To Code This

  1. Create the HTML Structure Doc type,  Head, Body Etc , I attached the code in this Blog , feel free to copy it for your reference
  2. Create the Function outArray(), to print out whats inside the Array.
  3. allBots.toString(); , convert the User inputted Array into String
  4. displayArrayObjects(arrayObjects) -> This Function will initially loop through every single element in the  ” allBots ” Array -> inside the allBot [i] index, the function will loop  through every single element contain inside the Object
  5. Finally the function will print out all Array / Object Elements
  6. var robots ={} is the base object , it contain 4 element inside ( ” name, cloneNumber ,serialNumber, Gender “) with default value being assigned.
  7. 2 Array Variable  being declared (1) allBots[] to contain all the Object created (2) clBot[] for newly instantiated Object
  8. function cClone() -> first the function will get all the Input from the User Text Box assign to these Variable ( “c_Name”,”s_Num”, “c_Gen” )
  9. Then Check the Array Length and assign the array length to ” clArray “.
  10. Use “Object.create(robots); ” to instantiate a new instant
  11. Assign  the User Input Value  Name( “c_Name”,”s_Num”, “c_Gen” ) into the newly  created instant
  12. Push the newly created instant into allBots Array . “allBots.push(clbot[clArray]); “
  13. Check the array Length again
  14. If the New Array Length is more than the Previous Array Length , clear the User Text Box
  15. tObject()
  16. Get the User  inputted ” cloneNumber ” and assign the value to “d_Name”
  17. “allBots.splice( d_Name, 1);” -> Means replace  1 object in “d_Name ” Index
  18. Finally Loop Through the Array / Object to Update the new ” cloneNumber “


<!DOCTYPE html>

<script type="text/javascript">
//This is a New Array
var allBots = [];

var clbot =[];

var c_Name = "";
var s_Num =0;
var c_Gen ="";
var clArray = 0;
var clArrays = 0;
var clNumb =0;

var d_Name = 0;
var afDel =0;

var robots = {
//Default Maker
//Default Serial Number
name: 'tBot',
cloneNumber: 0,
serialNumber: 8888 ,
gender : 'xxx'


function cClone(){

// First get the Data from the User Text Box genderN

c_Name = document.getElementById("cloneN").value;

s_Num = document.getElementById("serialN").value;

c_Gen = document.getElementById("genderN").value;

// then Check the Array Length

clArray = clbot.length;

clArray = clArray ;

// new Array length

clbot[clArray] = Object.create(robots);

clbot[clArray].name = c_Name ;
clbot[clArray].cloneNumber = clArray ;
clbot[clArray].serialNumber = s_Num ;

clbot[clArray].gender = c_Gen ;


clArrays = clbot.length;

if(clArrays > clArray ){
document.getElementById("outputArray").innerHTML = "";



// This Function Print Out the Array

function outArray() {


function displayArrayObjects(arrayObjects) {
// First Check the Array Length
var len = arrayObjects.length, text = "";
//Loop through the Array

for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var myObject = arrayObjects[i];
//Loop through the object in side the array
for (var x in myObject) {
text += ( x + ": " + myObject[x] + " ");
text += "<br/>";

document.getElementById("outputArray").innerHTML = text;



function tObject(){

// Delete Clone

// Get the Number you wanna Delecte

d_Name = document.getElementById("terminateN").value;
// find the index value

allBots.splice( d_Name, 1);

// after delete Update the clone Number

// First Check the Array Length
var lent = allBots.length;
//Loop through the Array

for (var i = 0; i < lent; i++) {

//Loop through the object in side the array

allBots[i].cloneNumber =i;


document.getElementById("outputArray").innerHTML = "";



<h2>Start Cloning</h2>
<P> <input type="button" value="Number Of Clone" id="" onclick="outArray();"/></P>

<p id="outputArray"></p>

<P style="color:blue;"><strong>Clone Name :</strong><input type="text" style=
"text-align:center; margin-left: 10px;"id="cloneN" name="element"
placeholder="Clone Name" >

<P style="color:blue;"><strong>Serial Number :</strong><input type="text" style=
"text-align:center; margin-left: 10px;"id="serialN" name="element"
placeholder="Serial Number" >

<P style="color:blue;"><strong>Gender :</strong><input type="text" style=
"text-align:center; margin-left: 10px;"id="genderN" name="element"
placeholder="Gender" >

<input type="button" style=
"text-align:center; margin-left: 10px;" value="Create Clone" id=""

<P style="color:blue;"><strong>Terminate :</strong><input type="text" style=
"text-align:center; margin-left: 10px;"id="terminateN" name="element"
placeholder="Enter Clone Number :" ><input type="button" style="text-align:center; margin-left: 10px;" value="Terminate" id="" onclick="tObject();"/>

<p> </P>









Check out Object in Javascript here




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