Try With Resources in Java
In this Article i will step through the code and show you how to implement try with resources into a Method to Create a new File.
package createFile; import; import; import; import; import; public class createF { // Declare 100 length for array filez" static File[] filez = new File[100]; // Declare 100 length for array "bReaderO" static BufferedOutputStream[] bReaderO= new BufferedOutputStream[100]; // Initial Value For sizez" static int sizez =0; // Initial Value For sizez2" static int sizez2 =0; // Where the File is located to be created static String descz ="C:/Users/User/Desktop/sample.txt"; // Write the text into the File above static String conten = "Create a Simple File"; // Where the File is located to be created static String descz2 ="C:/Users/User/Desktop/sample2.txt"; // Write the text into the File above static String conten2 = "another Simple File"; //File Creation Method Using Try With Resources // Difference between try and try with Resource // For Try you need to call the .close stream at Finally // For Try with Resources you don't need to public static void createTheFile(String fls ,String content){ // Every time the Function is Called the sizez incremented sizez = sizez +1; // Create a new File Instance filez[sizez] = new File(fls); // Every time the Function is Called the sizez incremented sizez2 = sizez2 +1; try (OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(fls); BufferedOutputStream buffered = new BufferedOutputStream(out);) { // if the file doesn't exists, then create one if (! filez[sizez].exists()) { filez[sizez].createNewFile(); } // Write the Content from the Parameter pass in the Argument buffered.write(content.getBytes()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { // Call the Method createTheFile(descz ,conten); // Call the Method Second Time createTheFile(descz2 ,conten2); } }
Two new File named created
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