Shifen Waterfall 十分大瀑布

Shifen Waterfall 十分大瀑布


Shifen Waterfall 十分大瀑布 ,  Where is it Located ?

Is located east of  Taipei Out Skirt

Shifen WaterFall
Shifen WaterFall


Why you should Pay a Visit there ?

Shifen Waterfall
Shifen Waterfall

Shifen 十分 , a small village  well known for her scenic waterfall located in Pingxi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan.

The  Water Fall has a height of 20 meters and 40 meter in width , which earn   her the name  “Niagara of  Taiwan”.

To go to  the Water Fall , you are required to board a  train from Rui Fang 瑞芳 Train Station to  十分  Shifen  Train station,where you  will reach  Shifen Old Streets (十分老街),

till there you will need to hike/walk  30 minutes to your destination.

Attraction  to Visit  and  Must  do Activities

  1.  Shifen Old Streets (十分老街),  -> Where there are lots Street Foods , Souvenir  and Centuries old confectionery  Shops
  2.  Shifen  WaterFall
  3. Fly a Chinese Lantern which Symbolize ( Well Being , Good Health ,Prosperity , charm  & Good  Luck  etc)

How to  go to  Shifen Waterfall 十分大瀑布 ?

We Started our Journey at Taipei Main Train Station (台北車站 )

Tai Pei Main Train Station
Tai Pei Main Train Station

Step 1

We Bought a Cute Looking Dongle , which will enable to board  all kinds of  Public Transport  ( Subway , Bus , Train ) at the Tai Pei Main Station (台北車站 )


MRT Dongle
MRT Dongle


Step 2

Head to Platform 4 to Board the Train (4号月台 ) < Check and match  the Chinese Words, there ain’t alot of English Signage  >

Take the Stairs down to Platform 4

Platform 4
Platform 4

Observe the LED Display Board , you should be staking Shu AO  蘇澳 Train Direction

In This case is Platform  4 B

Board the Correct Train at the Correct Platform and Direction it will take you  approximate  40 minute to reach Rui Feng  瑞芳 Train Station


Step 3

When reach  Rui Feng  瑞芳 Train Station , do not exit or tab  out

Proceed to Platform 3 (3号月台 ) and wait for the Train Direction  bound to  Jing Tong (箐桐) Station

Board the Train and alight at Shi Fen (十分) Station


Jing Tong Station
Bound Train Direction to Jing Tong Station
Rui Fang Station
Rui Fang Station


Step 4

Congratulation You Reach Shi Fen (十分) Station 🙂

Shi fen Station
Shi fen Station


Shifen Old Streets (十分老街)

Lots of  Street Foodies and Lots of People  , majority tourist  from Korea / Japan  / Hong Kong etc.

Shifen Old Street
Shifen Old Street

Scenic View 

Well i wish i could stay here for long

Nice Shifen Panaromic View
Nice Shifen Panaromic View


Centuries Old Shop House 百年老店

Along the Path, there are Centuries Old Shop House Selling Foods , Souvenir etc

Centuries old Shop House
Centuries old Shop House

People Flying  Chinese Lantern  For Prosperity  🤑 Love ❤️🥰 Well Being 💪

Cost : NTD $300 for one Lantern

Flying Chinese Lantern
Flying Chinese Lantern

Lots Of Totoro

Lots of Totoro


How to Hike or Walk your Way to  Shifen Waterfall 十分大瀑布 

Step 1 

Locate the Sign board ,  there are alot of Sign Board along the Street

Shifen Water Fall Sign Board
Shifen Water Fall Sign Board


Step 2

Follow the Road Signage , it will never goes wrong

Shifen Water Fall Signane
Shifen Water Fall Signage

Shifen Waterfall 十分大瀑布

Approximately 30 minute Walk you will Reach Shifen Waterfall 十分大瀑布

Bridge to Shi fen Water Fall
Bridge to Shi fen Water Fall
Shifen Waterfall 十分大瀑布
Shifen Waterfall




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