Shifen Waterfall 十分大瀑布
Shifen Waterfall 十分大瀑布 , Where is it Located ?
Is located east of Taipei Out Skirt

Why you should Pay a Visit there ?

Shifen 十分 , a small village well known for her scenic waterfall located in Pingxi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
The Water Fall has a height of 20 meters and 40 meter in width , which earn her the name “Niagara of Taiwan”.
To go to the Water Fall , you are required to board a train from Rui Fang 瑞芳 Train Station to 十分 Shifen Train station,where you will reach Shifen Old Streets (十分老街),
till there you will need to hike/walk 30 minutes to your destination.
Attraction to Visit and Must do Activities
- Shifen Old Streets (十分老街), -> Where there are lots Street Foods , Souvenir and Centuries old confectionery Shops
- Shifen WaterFall
- Fly a Chinese Lantern which Symbolize ( Well Being , Good Health ,Prosperity , charm & Good Luck etc)
How to go to Shifen Waterfall 十分大瀑布 ?
We Started our Journey at Taipei Main Train Station (台北車站 )

Step 1
We Bought a Cute Looking Dongle , which will enable to board all kinds of Public Transport ( Subway , Bus , Train ) at the Tai Pei Main Station (台北車站 )

Step 2
Head to Platform 4 to Board the Train (4号月台 ) < Check and match the Chinese Words, there ain’t alot of English Signage >
Take the Stairs down to Platform 4

Observe the LED Display Board , you should be staking Shu AO 蘇澳 Train Direction
In This case is Platform 4 B
Board the Correct Train at the Correct Platform and Direction it will take you approximate 40 minute to reach Rui Feng 瑞芳 Train Station
Step 3
When reach Rui Feng 瑞芳 Train Station , do not exit or tab out
Proceed to Platform 3 (3号月台 ) and wait for the Train Direction bound to Jing Tong (箐桐) Station
Board the Train and alight at Shi Fen (十分) Station

Step 4
Congratulation You Reach Shi Fen (十分) Station 🙂

Shifen Old Streets (十分老街)
Lots of Street Foodies and Lots of People , majority tourist from Korea / Japan / Hong Kong etc.

Scenic View
Well i wish i could stay here for long

Centuries Old Shop House 百年老店
Along the Path, there are Centuries Old Shop House Selling Foods , Souvenir etc

People Flying Chinese Lantern For Prosperity 🤑 Love ❤️🥰 Well Being 💪
Cost : NTD $300 for one Lantern

Lots Of Totoro
How to Hike or Walk your Way to Shifen Waterfall 十分大瀑布
Step 1
Locate the Sign board , there are alot of Sign Board along the Street

Step 2
Follow the Road Signage , it will never goes wrong

Shifen Waterfall 十分大瀑布
Approximately 30 minute Walk you will Reach Shifen Waterfall 十分大瀑布

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