How to connect to MySQL using PHP
How to connect to MySQL using PHP, in this blog post i will step through the code on how to get it done.
Prior to that you need to complete the items listed Below
- Mamp or xampp with phpMyAdmin install into your Computer , check out here
- A Sample Database created Check out Here
- New User Created . Check out Here
If all 3 item Checked , you can proceed the below
Step 1
Start your My SQL and Apache Server

Step 2
Create a New PHP Script to connect MySQL DB
Connecting MySQL using PDO ( PHP DATA OBJECT)
<?php /* Declare User connecting Credential*/ $hostName ="localhost"; $userName ="jane"; $userPassword ="jane"; $dataBaseName = "mydata"; /* return connection status through $dbConnectionStatus Boolean Variable*/ $dbConnectionStatus = new PDO("mysql:host=$hostName;dbname=$dataBaseName", $userName, $userPassword); /* Check whether the User Succesfully connect to localhost and mydata Database*/ if ($dbConnectionStatus){ echo "User Succesfully connected to MySQL Localhost and mydata Database<br/> "; }else{ echo "User failed to connect to MySQL Localhost and mydata Database <br/> "; } ?>
Connecting MySQL using mysqli
<?php /* Declare User connecting Credential*/ $hostName ="localhost"; $userName ="jane"; $userPassword ="jane"; $dataBaseName = "mydata"; /* return connection status through $dbConnectionStatus Boolean Variable*/ /* using mysqli*/ $dbConnectionStatus = mysqli_connect($hostName, $userName, $userPassword,$dataBaseName); /* Check whether the User Succesfully connect to localhost and mydata Database*/ if ($dbConnectionStatus){ echo "User Succesfully connected to MySQL Localhost and mydata Database<br/> "; }else{ echo "User failed to connect to MySQL Localhost and mydata Database <br/> "; } ?> <h2></h2>
Connecting MySQL using mysqli Object
</pre> <?php /* Declare User connecting Credential*/ $hostName ="localhost"; $userName ="jane"; $userPassword ="jane"; $dataBaseName = "mydata"; /* return connection status through $dbConnectionStatus Boolean Variable*/ /* using mysqli Object*/ $dbConnectionStatus = new mysqli($hostName, $userName, $userPassword,$dataBaseName); /* Check whether the User Succesfully connect to localhost and mydata Database*/ /* -> Access the instance "$dbConnectionStatus" variable property "connect_error " boolean */ if ($dbConnectionStatus->connect_error){ die("Connection failed: " . $dbConnectionStatus->connect_error); }else{ echo " Database Connected"; } ?> <pre>
Step 3
Save this File as “.php” extension in
your drive location might vary from mine .
regardless of your location save that file into Xampp htdocs
Or you can change the Document root by following the steps below
(1) at your Xampp Control
(2) Click Config -> Apache htttpd.conf -> open the File using Notepad
(3) Search for DocumentRoot
(4) Change the root Location

Step 4
Test it
(1)Click Admin
(2) Click the PHP File you have just created in this example i name it ” connectDB.php”
(3) If successful you will see this Message print out ” User Succesfully connected to MySQL Localhost and mydata Database ”