Create edit User Form with PHP MySQL

Create, edit, User Form with PHP MySQL

This post  will show you how to create  a sample form which enable User  to perform the tasks below.

  1. Select a Company Name
  2. List out all personnel associate to the Company Selected
  3. Enable User , to add new User
  4. Enable User to edit User Info

Files involve

1.This sample contains 3 Files  (1)selectCompanyEditPeople.php (2)peopleEditForm.php (3)peopleInsert.php

2.selectCompanyEditPeople.php -> The Script will display the list  personnel associate to the Selected Company

-> Link to peopleEditForm .php

-> Link to peopleInsert.php

3. peopleEditForm -> This file will display the Selected User info in side the Form

-> User will be able to edit the text box and save the Value back to mySQL Database

4. peopleInsert -> This File will enable User to add new users

-> When Edit done , the Script will call  ” selectCompanyEditPeople.php ” and relist table.




Prior to that you need to complete  the items listed Below

  1. Mamp or xampp with phpMyAdmin install into your Computer , check out here
  2.  A Sample Database created Check out Here
  3.  New User Created . Check out Here
  4. A New table created , check out Here
  5. Insert Data into the Table Here






*	File:		SelectCompanyOutputPeople


$hostName  ="localhost";
$userName ="jane";
$userPassword ="jane";
$database ="janedb";
$comArray = array(); 

$dbConnectionStatus  = new mysqli($hostName, $userName, $userPassword,$database);

//Connection Error
if ($dbConnectionStatus->connect_error){     

     die("Connection failed: " . $dbConnectionStatus->connect_error);

// Connected to Database JaneDB
// Object oriented  -> pointing 
if($dbConnectionStatus->query("SELECT DATABASE()")){
	$dbSuccess =true;
	$result = $dbConnectionStatus->query("SELECT DATABASE()");
	$row = $result->fetch_row();
    printf("Default database is %s.\n", $row[0]);


$thisScriptName = "selectCompanyEditPeople.php";

// DB Connect Successful

if ($dbSuccess) {
// Check whetehr the User Select Anything	

           // Check whther select anything
		        // Check whether any Get Valuein Httpp
		if (isset($_POST["infoID"]) or isset($_GET["companyName"]) ){
			      if(isset($_POST["infoID"])){$companyName = $_POST["infoID"];}
                  if(isset($_GET["companyName"])){$companyName = $_GET["companyName"];}
				//  Get the details of the company selected 
					$selectData = "SELECT * FROM testtable WHERE companyname = '$companyName' ";
                // Send Select Query
                    $selectData_Query = mysqli_query($dbConnectionStatus,$selectData );
					// Declare Array
					// Get all the User data and save that in an array
	                   $arrayData = array();

				                    $arrayData[] = $rows; 

               // Free Queries				
					mysqli_free_result($selectData_Query );
					//Output Table
					echo '<div style=" font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; ">';
							echo '<div style="margin-left: 100; ">';
								echo '<table border="1" padding="5">';
								echo '<tr>
										</tr>	';	
								// Output Data Row by row										
								foreach($arrayData as $data){
										$thisID = $data['id'];
										$personEditLink = '<a href="peopleEditForm.php?personID='.$thisID.'">Edit</a>';
												   // Search through the array print out value if see the Key  eg: 'id', 'firstname ' etc.

								echo '</table>';
			//		END: Output section 
			// --------------------------Form to Insert Peoplen Table----------------------------------------------------------
			//Declare HTML Field Name
			                    $fld_FirstName = '<input type="text" name="firstNames" placeholder="First Name"  size="10" maxlength="50"/>';
								$fld_LastName = '<input type="text" name="lastNames" placeholder="Last Name"   size="10" maxlength="50"/>';
								$fld_email = '<input type="text" name="emailss" placeholder="Email"  size="10" maxlength="50"/>';			
			                  	$fld_company = '<input type="text" name="theCompanys"  placeholder="Company Name"  size="10" maxlength="50"/>';	
			     	echo '<form name="insertPeople" action="peopleInsert.php" method="post">';
					//echo '<input type="hidden" name="infoID" value="'.$companyName.'" />';
								echo '<table>';		
										echo '<tr>
												<td colspan="5"></td>
											</tr>	';	
										echo '<tr>
												<td colspan="5"><hr /></td>
											</tr>	';	
										echo '<tr>
												<td colspan="5"></td>
											</tr>	';	
										echo '<tr>
												<td><input type="submit" value="Add" /></td>
											</tr>	';	
								echo '</table>';
							echo '</form>';
			echo '</div>';		
			echo '</div>';		
		 //----------------------------Populate Selection Form-------------------------------------------------------------
		else {
			// Assign Query

			  $selectDataOption = " SELECT * FROM testtable";
             // Send Select Query
              $selectDataOption_Query = mysqli_query($dbConnectionStatus,$selectDataOption);
				echo '<form  action="selectCompanyEditPeople.php" method="post">';
				echo '<select name="infoID">';
					echo '<option value="" label="" selected="selected"> company..</option>';
		if (mysqli_num_rows($selectDataOption_Query)>0){
              // while there is still  data in row
                   // assign selected mySQL data into 'arrayData' array 
				  // Before insert Check whether the value inside Array
                   $ID = $rowss['id'];
				   $companyNames =$rowss['companyname'];
				   $firstName =$rowss['firstname'];
				   // Loop Through array and Check
						  // If the Value is not inside the Array
						 if(! in_array($companyNames,$comArray)){
							 echo '<option value="'. $companyNames.'">'.$companyNames.'</option>'; 
				    //Populate the Option 
                mysqli_free_result($selectDataOption_Query );
				echo '</select>';
				echo '<input type="submit" />';
				echo '</form>';
				//	END:  Select company from dropdowm


//		END:	if ($dbSuccess)

echo "<br /><hr /><br />";

echo '<a href="SelectCompanyEditPeople.php">Select Another</a>';
echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
echo '<a href="/">Back to LocalHost</a><br />';






*	File:			personEditForm.php
$hostName  ="localhost";
$userName ="jane";
$userPassword ="jane";
$database ="janedb";

$dbConnectionStatus  = new mysqli($hostName, $userName, $userPassword,$database);

//Connection Error
if ($dbConnectionStatus->connect_error){     

     die("Connection failed: " . $dbConnectionStatus->connect_error);

// Connected to Database JaneDB
// Object oriented  -> pointing 
if($dbConnectionStatus->query("SELECT DATABASE()")){
	$dbSuccess =true;
	$result = $dbConnectionStatus->query("SELECT DATABASE()");
	$row = $result->fetch_row();
    printf("Default database is %s.\n", $row[0]);


$thisScriptName = "peopleEditForm.php";

if ($dbSuccess) {

	if (isset($_POST["saveClicked"])){
		//	SAVE button being clicked 
		    // get Post Data
			$firstName = $_POST["FirstName"];	
			$lastName = $_POST["LastName"];	
			$emails = $_POST["Email"];	
            $companyName =	$_POST["CompanyName"];
            $ID = $_POST["theID"];
	        // assign Query
			$inname__select = "UPDATE testtable SET firstname = '$firstName' , lastname= '$lastName' , email ='$emails' ,companyname ='$companyName' WHERE id = $ID ";
		 // Send Query
		  $inname__select_Query= mysqli_query($dbConnectionStatus,$inname__select);

             if (empty($firstName)) {
                echo '<span style="color:red; ">You Must Select First Name</span><br /><br />'; 
            if ($inname__select_Query)  {    
                        echo 'used to Successfully update Info.<br /><br />';
						// If Sucessful Update back to , main page
						echo header("Location: selectCompanyEditPeople.php");
                    } else {
                        echo '<span style="color:red; ">FAILED to update Info.</span><br /><br />';

            mysqli_free_result($inname__select_Query );



		//  Get the details of the person selected  http from  slectCompanyEditPeople.php file
		    $personID = $_GET["personID"];	
			 $cname__select = "SELECT * FROM testtable WHERE id = $personID";
		 // Execute Query
		  $cname__select_Query= mysqli_query($dbConnectionStatus,$cname__select);
            // While there is info in row
                       $c_Id = $rows['id'];
                       $c_firstName = $rows['firstname'];
                       $c_lastName = $rows['lastname'];
                       $c_emails = $rows['email'];
                       $c_companyName = $rows['companyname'];
		  mysqli_free_result($cname__select_Query );

	echo '<h2 style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;" >
				Person EDIT Form
		//		FORM postPerson 
		echo '<form name="postPerson" action="'.$thisScriptName.'" method="post">';
				echo '<input type="hidden" name="theID" value="'.$c_Id.'"/>';
				echo '<input type="hidden" name="saveClicked" value="1"/>';

				echo '
						<td><input type="text" name="FirstName" value="'.$c_firstName.'"/></td>
						<td><input type="text" name="LastName" value="'.$c_lastName.'"/></td>
						<td><input type="text" name="Email" value="'.$c_emails.'"/></td>
						<td>Company Name</td>
						<td><input type="text" name="CompanyName" value="'.$c_companyName.'"/></td>
						<td align="right"><input type="submit"  value="Save" /></td>
		echo '</form>';
	//	END:	FORM postPerson 
	echo "<br /><hr /><br />";
	echo '<a href="/">Back to LocalHost</a><br />';







*	File:			peopleInsert.php


$hostName  ="localhost";
$userName ="jane";
$userPassword ="jane";
$database ="janedb";
$comArray = array(); 

$dbConnectionStatus  = new mysqli($hostName, $userName, $userPassword,$database);

//Connection Error
if ($dbConnectionStatus->connect_error){     

     die("Connection failed: " . $dbConnectionStatus->connect_error);

// Connected to Database JaneDB
// Object oriented  -> pointing 
if($dbConnectionStatus->query("SELECT DATABASE()")){
	$dbSuccess =true;
	$result = $dbConnectionStatus->query("SELECT DATABASE()");
	$row = $result->fetch_row();
    printf("Default database is %s.\n", $row[0]);


if ($dbSuccess) {

		$firstNames = $_POST["firstNames"];	
		$lastNames = $_POST["lastNames"];	
		$emailss = $_POST["emailss"];	
		$theCompanys = $_POST["theCompanys"];	
		//Assign SQL
		    $user_SQLinsert = "INSERT INTO testtable (";			
			$user_SQLinsert .=  "firstname, ";
			$user_SQLinsert .=  "lastname, ";			
			$user_SQLinsert .=  "email , ";	
			$user_SQLinsert .=  "companyname";	
			$user_SQLinsert .=  ") ";
			$user_SQLinsert .=  "VALUES (";
			$user_SQLinsert .=  "'".$firstNames."', ";
			$user_SQLinsert .=  "'".$lastNames."', ";
			$user_SQLinsert .=  "'".$emailss."', ";
			$user_SQLinsert .=  "'".$theCompanys."' ";
			$user_SQLinsert .=  ") ";
			if (empty($firstNames )) {
				echo '<span style="color:red; ">Please Enter Your Name</span><br /><br />'; 
			} else {
					echo '<span style = "text-decoration: underline;">
							SQL statement:</span>
							<br />'.$user_SQLinsert.'<br /><br />';
					if ($dbConnectionStatus->query($user_SQLinsert))  {	
						echo 'Register Successful<br /><br />';
						//Passing String to URL for selectCompanyEditPeople.php to retrieve Value
						header("Location: selectCompanyEditPeople.php?companyName=".$theCompanys);
					} else {
						echo '<span style="color:red; ">FAILED to Register.</span><br /><br />';







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