How to Sort Table Columns with PHP and MySQL

How to Sort Table Columns with PHP and MySQL

How to Sort Table Columns with PHP and MySQL

This post  will show you how to create  a sample form which enable User  to perform the tasks below.

  1. Select a Company Name
  2. List out all personnel associate to the Company Selected
  3. Sort the Column according to individual column

Files involve

1.This sample contains 1 Files  (1)selectCompanySortPeople.php


Prior to that you need to complete  the items listed Below

  1. Mamp or xampp with phpMyAdmin install into your Computer , check out here
  2.  A Sample Database created Check out Here
  3.  New User Created . Check out Here
  4. A New table created , check out Here
  5. Insert Data into the Table Here





*	File:		SelectCompanySortPeople


$hostName  ="localhost";
$userName ="jane";
$userPassword ="jane";
$database ="janedb";
$comArray = array(); 
$orderClause ='';
$tempcompany ='';

$dbConnectionStatus  = new mysqli($hostName, $userName, $userPassword,$database);

//Connection Error
if ($dbConnectionStatus->connect_error){     

     die("Connection failed: " . $dbConnectionStatus->connect_error);

// Connected to Database JaneDB
// Object oriented  -> pointing 
if($dbConnectionStatus->query("SELECT DATABASE()")){
	$dbSuccess =true;
	$result = $dbConnectionStatus->query("SELECT DATABASE()");
	$row = $result->fetch_row();
    printf("Default database is %s.\n", $row[0]);


// DB Connect Successful

if ($dbSuccess) {
		// Check whether The User Select any Company  or the previous Company Name
		// Pass into http and retrieved value by GET
		if (isset($_POST["infoID"]) or isset($_GET["toSort"]) ){
				// company selected by User
			 if (isset($_POST["infoID"]))	{

                  $companyName = $_POST["infoID"];
				   $tempcompany = $_POST["infoID"];

					$selectData = "SELECT * FROM testtable WHERE companyname = '$companyName' ORDER BY lastname ";
				// Pass into http and retrieved value by GET
		     if (isset( $_GET["toSort"]))	{	
					 $orderClause = $_GET["toSort"];
					 $tempcompany = $_GET["tempID"];
					$selectData = "SELECT * FROM testtable WHERE companyname = '".$tempcompany."' ORDER BY " .$orderClause;
                // Send Select Query
                    $selectData_Query = mysqli_query($dbConnectionStatus,$selectData );
					// Declare Array
					// Get all the User data and save that in an array
	                   $arrayData = array();

				                    $arrayData[] = $rows; 

               // Free Queries				
					mysqli_free_result($selectData_Query );
				// Table Structure
				   //Table Header declaration		
					$header_ID = '<a href="selectCompanySortPeople.php?toSort=id&tempID='.$tempcompany.'">ID</a>';
					$header_firstName = '<a href="selectCompanySortPeople.php?toSort=firstname&tempID='.$tempcompany.'">First Name</a>';
					$header_lastName = '<a href="selectCompanySortPeople.php?toSort=lastname&tempID='.$tempcompany.'">Last Name</a>';
					$header_Email = '<a href="selectCompanySortPeople.php?toSort=email&tempID='.$tempcompany.'">Email</a>';
					echo '<div style=" font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; ">';
							echo '<div style="margin-left: 100; ">';
								echo '<table border="1" padding="5">';
								echo '<tr>
										</tr>	';	
								// Output Data Row by row										
								foreach($arrayData as $data){
												   // Search through the array print out value if see the Key  eg: 'id', 'firstname ' etc.

								echo '</table>';
							echo '</div>';		
					echo '</div>';				
			//		END: Output section 
		else {

			  $selectDataOption = " SELECT * FROM testtable";
             // Send Select Query
              $selectDataOption_Query = mysqli_query($dbConnectionStatus,$selectDataOption);
				echo '<form action="SelectCompanySortPeople.php" method="post">';
				echo '<select name="infoID">';
					echo '<option value="" label="" selected="selected"> company..</option>';
		if (mysqli_num_rows($selectDataOption_Query)>0){
              // while there is still  data in row
                   // assign selected mySQL data into 'arrayData' array 
				  // Before insert Check whether the value inside Array
                   $ID = $rowss['id'];
				   $companyNames =$rowss['companyname'];
				   $firstName =$rowss['firstname'];
				   // Loop Through array and Check
						  // If the Value is not inside the Array
						 if(! in_array($companyNames,$comArray)){
							 echo '<option value="'. $companyNames.'">'.$companyNames.'</option>'; 
				    //Populate the Option 
                mysqli_free_result($selectDataOption_Query );
				echo '</select>';
				echo '<input type="submit" />';
				echo '</form>';
				//	END


//		END:	if ($dbSuccess)

echo "<br /><hr /><br />";

echo '<a href="SelectCompanySortPeople.php">Select Another</a>';
echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
echo '<a href="/">Back to LocalHost</a><br />';



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