PHP MySQL Last Inserted ID
In This Article , i will show you how to get the below data
(1) Last Inserted Auto Incremented row Ids
(2) Number of Affected rows by the Executed querries
// MySqL Querries $email_SQL ='INSERT INTO emailstore (email)VALUES('.'"'.$enterEmail.'"'.')'; // If data Base Connection is Ok execute the Querries above if ($dbConnectionStatus->query($email_SQL)) { echo 'Email Inserted'.'<br>'; // Echo Affected Rows // $dbConnectionStatus is an Instance Declare using the new mysqli() function echo "Affected Rows :". $dbConnectionStatus -> affected_rows."<br>"; // check the newly Incremented Ids and print it echo " Incremented New User Ids : ". $dbConnectionStatus -> insert_id."<br>"; }