Accidentally Sell Shares I Don’t Own
Accidentally Sell Shares I Don’t Own , To be exact is the trading System accidentally execute my Sell Limit Order before Buy Limit Order.
The Stories
At One Fine Day , I saw an opportunity on Stock XYZ , that i would probably earn a small profit speculating .
I did some home work , digging through daily Charts of Stock XYZ via google finance . I got the resistance level . Using the Resistance Level and average daily fluctuating range of Stock XYZ .
I determined the Value for Buy Limit Order and Sell Limit Order .
Being confident on my Findings , I proceed setting my Buy Limit Order and Sell Limit Order concurrently . (ノ_・)/ My stupidity will cost me to pay the price later.
Process of Setting Buy Limit Order/ Sell Limit Order that i set for Stock XYZ
I am Using the Trading Platform from Poems
Prior Setting my Buying and Selling Limit Order , I login to my Poems Account , navigate to the Calculator , populate the Buying and Selling data to calculate Profit and Loss.

After being determined on by Genius Plan ( Stupidity actually ) . I Proceed Set My Buy Limit Order and Sell Limit Order concurrently
I set as Below
Buy Limit Order : 0.605
Sell Limit Order : 0.61
My Master Plan is earn a bit than Take Profit , I set the above Buy and sell Limit order concurrently before market open
Now What
🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔Ding Ding Ding Ding !!!. Market Open , Stock XYZ price open at 0.61 . Based on my genius Plan ,I expected it to go down to 0.605. Guess what , It never go down , instead the Stock rose up to 62 cents and execute the Sell Limit Order.
So What wrongs of the Sell Limit Order execute before the Buy Limit Order?
The Problem is i do not own the Stocks that i Sold , is consider a naked Short
My initial plan is to buy first sell later.
What Next
Actually on that Specific trading day , i didn’t know the Sell Limit Order is executed before the Buy Limit Order. Normally I will set all my limit order one day prior market opening , leave it there, and check P/L next Morning , as i have no time to monitor during my working hour
Next Morning when i wake up , i saw an negative “-20,000 ” Outstanding share at my Poems Outstanding Position tab.
Then How
It was 730 AM , in the Morning , I called my broker , and told her my Situation. She then suggest me to borrow share from SBL to close the Position.
How To Mitigate the Situation
My Broker Carmen , guide me through the whole Process . I am very grateful for what she has done for me .
Step 1
(i) Navigate to your Account Management in Poems
(ii)Click the SBL Tab
Step 2
(i) Find your Symbol
(ii) Navigate to ” Request To Borrow Shares”
(iii) Input exactly the same Number of Shares that you have accidentally sold
Step 3
Click confirm and wait for your broker to notify you when the borrowing is approved
Finally i managed to borrow 20000 Shares at the price of 0.605 . Heng ah ( Singlish )
Position Close Next Day
(1) As Instructed By my Broker i deposited S$50 into the Margin Account
(2) After Deduct all Fees and Penalty i have a Positive Closing Balance of S$35.88
(3) Which means if i have not deposited S$50 , my closing balance will be S$35.88 – S$50 = $-14.12 ( After Deduct all Penalty and Administration fees)
Heng Ah ( singlish ) my Final Total Loss is S$14.12
Special thanks to my Broker Carmen
Lesson Learn from Accidentally Sell Shares I Don’t Own 🙂
(1) Make Sure your Buy Limit Order executed ,before you set the Sell Limit Order
(2) Speculate is Dangerous, it can go the other side
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