CFD Indices Example

CFD Indices Example

CFD Indices Example ,

CFD indices trading, is betting on  indices trend .

It can  either be an  up trend or down trend. Is a  contract difference agreement  between the trader and the broker

without involving any underlying assets

Check Out CFD Indices Profit and Loss Calculator

Major CFD Indices being Traded

The Numbers of  Indices  access  available   to trader varies  from  different broker.


No Indices
1 STI Index
3 Dow Jones Industrial Average
4 Nasdaq
5 FTSE 100
6 Hang Seng Index
7 Hong Kong Stock Exchange Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
9 Rusell Index
10 EU Stock Indices
11 France Stock Indices
12 Netherlands Indices
13 SSE Composite Index
14 Nikkei 225
15 KLSE Index
16 Jakarta Composite Index
17 KOSPI Composite Index
18 TSEC weighted index (^TWII)
19 Other Major Index around the Globe


CFD Indices  Parameters

There are few CFD Indices Trading Parameters that you might need to fully understand and Clear with


Parameters Meaning
 Buy / Sell Spread The Broker will charge the trader a mark up spread when buying and selling an indices

eg: Market Current Indices value for  STI  = 2855

Broker will Charge ( Buy sell Spread 5 )for the  Trader to Open/ Close a position

Trader will buy / sell  at 2860/ 2850



Value Per Point 1 Point is the Smallest Unit  that can  Change on the Left Side of a Decimal

eg: Market Current Indices value for  STI  = 2855

1 Point = 1

Value per point is Fix by the Broker

Example   1 Point  = SGD 100 ( Differs by Broker)

Types of Trade ( Long / Short)

  • Long -> You expect the Indices  to  Appreciate .
  • Short-> You  expect the Indices  to depreciate.


Amount you are required to fund your CFD Indices  account in order to open a position

Margin = Number of contracts x Contract size x Index price level x Margin rate


Overnight Charges

When you hold the position more than the Market day trading hour

The CFD Broker will  charge you Borrowing Interest Fee  to Fund your trade

Borrowing Fee = Numbers of Days x Number of contracts x Contract size x Index price Closing Position x (Broker Interest –  Country Interbank Interest Offered Rate)



Profit and Lost Calculation

Long Profit and Loss Calculation

Profit Loss =[(  Close Position Price –  Open Position Price)  x  Number Of   Contracts  x  Value Per Point]  – Borrowing cost – Currency  Conversion Fee


Short Profit and Loss Calculation

Profit Loss = [ (Open  Position Price –  Close Position Price) x  x  Number Of   Contracts  x  Value Per Point]  – Borrowing cost – Currency  Conversion Fee



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