JavaScript Ip Subnet calculator
In this Post we will create an IP Subnet Calculator using pure JavaScript
The Actual Web App Here
download or fork the Code on Github
I am using ES5 to code the Project .In order to code this IP Subnet Calculator , we will need to create 2 Files, one is the HTML file and the other is a JavaScript File.
The User Interface of the Web App looks like below

The Web App will Calculate the Value listed below , by Accepting Host IP Address and Subnet Mask Input from User
- Net Mask
- Wild Card
- Network
- Broadcast Address
- Number of Subnet
- Number of Host
- First IP of the Network
- Last IP of the Network
In the HTML Code
(1) In Line 7 First we Call the JavaScript File
(2) Create the User Form with a Text Box for the User to Input IP Address / A Selector for the User to Select IP Subnet Mask / Calculate Button
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <!--Call the Javascript File--> <img src="" data-wp-preserve="%3Cscript%20src%3D%22theScript.js%22%3E%3C%2Fscript%3E" data-mce-resize="false" data-mce-placeholder="1" class="mce-object" width="20" height="20" alt="<script>" title="<script>" /> <title>IP Subnet Calculator</title> </head> <body> <form> <h2>IP Subnet Calculator</h2> <ul> <li> <label><strong>IP Address (Host)</strong></label> <div> <input type="text" name="field1" class="field-style field-full align-none" id="getIp" placeholder="" > </div> </li> <hr class="style2"> <li> <p style="color:blue;"><strong>Subnet Mask:</strong> <select id="slct2" name="slct2" style="text-align:center; margin-left: 10px;" onchange="ipMask("> <option value=""></option> <option value= "1"> / 32</option> <option value= "2"> / 31</option> <option value= "3"> / 30</option> <option value= "4"> / 29</option> <option value= "5"> / 28</option> <option value= "6"> / 27</option> <option value= "7"> / 26</option> <option value= "8"> / 25</option> <option value= "9"> / 24</option> <option value= "10"> / 23</option> <option value= "11"> / 22</option> <option value= "12"> / 21</option> <option value= "13"> / 20</option> <option value= "14"> / 19</option> <option value= "15"> / 18</option> <option value= "16"> / 17</option> <option value= "17"> / 16</option> <option value= "18"> / 15</option> <option value= "19"> / 14</option> <option value= "20"> / 13</option> <option value= "21"> / 12</option> <option value= "22"> / 11</option> <option value= "23"> / 10</option> <option value= "24"> / 9</option> <option value= "25"> / 8</option> <option value= "26"> / 7</option> <option value= "27"> / 6</option> <option value= "28"> / 5</option> <option value= "29"> / 4</option> <option value= "30"> / 3</option> <option value= "31"> / 2</option> <option value= "32"> / 1</option> </select> </li> <hr class="style2"> <li> <input type="button" value="Calculate" id="" onclick="calculateOrigin();"/> </li> <hr> <h3 id="ipDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> <h3 id="subnetDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> <h3 id="wildDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> <h3 id="networkDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> <h3 id="broadDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> <h3 id="subnetnumDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> <h3 id="hostDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> <h3 id="firstIpDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> <h3 id="lastIpDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> </ul> </form> </body> </html>
JavaScript Code
For this Ip subnet Calculator Web App , the brain which processes the User input Value is the JavaScript Code
In this JavaScript Code we will Actually create a few Function listed below to Process the User Input
(1) ipMask Function -> To Collect Subnet Mask from the User
(2) resetSelectElement Function -> To Reset the Selector to default Selection
(3) calWildCard Function -> To Calculate the Network Wildcard Address
(4) calNetworkAddress Function-> To Calculate the Network Address base on the User Inputted Network Address and Subnet Mask
(5) calBroadcast Function -> To Calculate Broad Cast Address
(6) calHostSub Function -> Calculate the Number of Host and Subnet
(7) calIpRange Function-> To Derive the First Host IP and Last Host IP of a Network
(8) CheckIP Function -> This Function will Check whether the User Entered a Correct IP Format
Finally i will Call all the Function inside calculateOrigin.
Please refer the Code below , is Heavily Commented
//------Subnet IP ------------- var ipA = 0; var ipB = 0; var ipC = 0; var ipD = 0; //------Enter IP -------------- //---En1 . En2 . En3 .En4 var ipEn1 = 0; var ipEn2 = 0; var ipEn3 = 0; var ipEn4 = 0; //-------IpWild------------------- var ipWn1 = 0; var ipWn2 = 0; var ipWn3 = 0; var ipWn4 = 0; //------Network Address------------ var ipNet1 = 0; var ipNet2 = 0; var ipNet3 = 0; var ipNet4 = 0; // -------BroadCast Adding Bit--------------------------- var ipBr1 = 0; var ipBr2 = 0; var ipBr3 = 0; var ipBr4 = 0; // -------BroadCast Adding Bit--------------------------- var ipBro1 = 0; var ipBro2 = 0; var ipBro3 = 0; var ipBro4 = 0; //------Sub and Host ------------------------------------- var ipSub = 0; var ipHost = 0; //--------------------------------------------------------- var validateIP = 0; var rFormat = false; var sellComm =0 ; var selectLog = 0; var dropSelect =0; //-----------Intermediate Variable----------- var ipLogic = false; var goWild = 0; var goNetwork = 0; var kase =0; var goBroad =0; var goSubHost =0 ; var subBits =0; var hostBits =0 ; var goUsable =0; var netLIP =0 ; var brLIP =0 ; // This Function will Get the IP subnet Mask Value from the Selection function ipMask(s2){ var s2 = document.getElementById(s2); if(s2.value == "1"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 255; ipC = 255; ipD = 255; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 0; ipBr3 = 0; ipBr4 = 0; subBits =32; hostBits =0 ; kase = 1 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "2"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 255; ipC = 255; ipD = 254; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 0; ipBr3 = 0; ipBr4 = 1; subBits =31; hostBits =1 ; kase = 2 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "3"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 255; ipC = 255; ipD = 252; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 0; ipBr3 = 0; ipBr4 = 3; subBits =30; hostBits =2 ; kase = 3 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "4"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 255; ipC = 255; ipD = 248; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 0; ipBr3 = 0; ipBr4 = 7; subBits =29; hostBits =3 ; kase = 4 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "5"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 255; ipC = 255; ipD = 240; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 0; ipBr3 = 0; ipBr4 = 15; subBits =28; hostBits =4 ; kase = 5 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "6"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 255; ipC = 255; ipD = 224; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 0; ipBr3 = 0; ipBr4 = 31; subBits =27; hostBits =5 ; kase = 6 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "7"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 255; ipC = 255; ipD = 192; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 0; ipBr3 = 0; ipBr4 = 63; subBits =26; hostBits =6 ; kase = 7 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "8"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 255; ipC = 255; ipD = 128; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 0; ipBr3 = 0; ipBr4 = 127; subBits =25; hostBits =7 ; kase = 8 ; dropSelect =1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- else if(s2.value == "9"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 255; ipC = 255; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 0; ipBr3 = 0; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =24; hostBits =8 ; kase = 9 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "10"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 255; ipC = 254; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 0; ipBr3 = 1; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =23; hostBits =9 ; kase = 10 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "11"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 255; ipC = 252; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 0; ipBr3 = 3; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =22; hostBits =10 ; kase = 11 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "12"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 255; ipC = 248; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 0; ipBr3 = 7; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =21; hostBits =11 ; kase = 12 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "13"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 255; ipC = 240; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 0; ipBr3 = 15; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =20; hostBits =12 ; kase = 13 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "14"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 255; ipC = 224; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 0; ipBr3 = 31; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =19; hostBits =13 ; kase = 14 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "15"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 255; ipC = 192; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 0; ipBr3 = 63; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =18; hostBits =14 ; kase = 15 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "16"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 255; ipC = 128; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 0; ipBr3 = 127; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =17; hostBits =15 ; kase = 16 ; dropSelect =1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- else if(s2.value == "17"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 255; ipC = 0; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 0; ipBr3 = 255; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =16; hostBits =16 ; kase = 17 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "18"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 254; ipC = 0; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 1; ipBr3 = 255; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =15; hostBits =17 ; kase = 18 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "19"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 252; ipC = 0; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 3; ipBr3 = 255; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =14; hostBits =18 ; kase = 19 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "20"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 248; ipC = 0; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 7; ipBr3 = 255; ipBr4 = 255; kase = 20 ; dropSelect =1; subBits =13; hostBits =19 ; } else if(s2.value == "21"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 240; ipC = 0; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 15; ipBr3 = 255; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =12; hostBits =20 ; kase = 21 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "22"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 224; ipC = 0; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 31; ipBr3 = 255; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =11; hostBits =21 ; kase = 22 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "23"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 192; ipC = 0; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 63; ipBr3 = 255; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =10; hostBits =22; kase = 23 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "24"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 128; ipC = 0; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 127; ipBr3 = 255; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =9; hostBits =23; kase = 24 ; dropSelect =1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ else if(s2.value == "25"){ ipA = 255; ipB = 0; ipC = 0; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 0; ipBr2 = 255; ipBr3 = 255; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =8; hostBits =24; kase = 25 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "26"){ ipA = 254; ipB = 0; ipC = 0; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 1; ipBr2 = 255; ipBr3 = 255; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =7; hostBits =25; kase = 26 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "27"){ ipA = 252; ipB = 0; ipC = 0; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 3; ipBr2 = 255; ipBr3 = 255; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =6; hostBits =26; kase = 27 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "28"){ ipA = 248; ipB = 0; ipC = 0; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 7; ipBr2 = 255; ipBr3 = 255; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =5; hostBits =27; kase = 28 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "29"){ ipA = 240; ipB = 0; ipC = 0; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 15; ipBr2 = 255; ipBr3 = 255; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =4; hostBits =28; kase = 29 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "30"){ ipA = 224; ipB = 0; ipC = 0; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 31; ipBr2 = 255; ipBr3 = 255; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =3; hostBits =29; kase = 30 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "31"){ ipA = 192; ipB = 0; ipC = 0; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 63; ipBr2 = 255; ipBr3 = 255; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =2; hostBits =30; kase = 31 ; dropSelect =1; } else if(s2.value == "32"){ ipA = 128; ipB = 0; ipC = 0; ipD = 0; //-------Value to add for Broad Cast -------------- ipBr1 = 127; ipBr2 = 255; ipBr3 = 255; ipBr4 = 255; subBits =1; hostBits =31; kase = 32 ; dropSelect =1; } } //------------------------------------ Default Selection-------------------------------------------- function resetSelectElement(selectElement) { var options = selectElement.options; // Look for a default selected option for (var i=0, iLen=options.length; i<iLen; i++) { if (options[i].defaultSelected) { selectElement.selectedIndex = i; return; } } // If no option is the default, select first or none as appropriate selectElement.selectedIndex = 0; // or -1 for no option selected } //--------------------------Calculate Wild Card------------------------------------------------------------ function calWildCard(w1,w2,w3,w4){ var outWild = []; outWild[1] = 255 -w1 ; outWild[2] = 255 -w2 ; outWild[3] = 255 -w3 ; outWild[4] = 255 -w4 ; return [ outWild[1], outWild[2], outWild[3], outWild[4] ]; } //-----------------------------Calculate Network Address --------------------------------------------------------- // This function will accept parameter from User Input IP Address and Subnet Mask Selected by User, broken into Single Digits function calNetworkAddress(en1,en2,en3,en4,ss1,ss2,ss3,ss4 ){ //-----------Network Address Output -------------------------------------- var netOut = [] ; //--------Convert all input Value to Binary------------------------------- //-----Enter IP Portion ------ // cen1 = en1.toString(2); // cen2 = en2.toString(2); // cen3 = en3.toString(2); //cen4 = en4.toString(2); //----Subnet IP Portion // css1 = ss1.toString(2); // css2 = ss2.toString(2); // css3 = ss3.toString(2); //css4 = ss4.toString(2); //--------------'And 'the User Input Value with the Subnet Value Selected to get the Network Address ------------------------------------------------ netOut[1] = en1 & ss1 ; netOut[2] = en2 & ss2 ; netOut[3] = en3 & ss3 ; netOut[4] = en4 & ss4 ; //-----------Convert Binary Value Back to Decimal----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return [netOut[1],netOut[2],netOut[3],netOut[4] ]; } //----------Calculate the BroadCast Address ------------------------------------------ // Broad Cast Address is Derive by filling up the last few host bit Address with 1s // This Function will take in the Network Address Parameter and fill the last few host Bit with 1s // The Value for ipBr1 to ipBr4 is derive in the ipMasks Function function calBroadcast(net1,net2,net3,net4 ){ var broadOut = [] ; broadOut[1] = net1 | ipBr1 ; broadOut[2] = net2 | ipBr2 ; broadOut[3] = net3 | ipBr3 ; broadOut[4] = net4 | ipBr4 ; return [broadOut[1],broadOut[2],broadOut[3],broadOut[4] ]; } //----------Calculate Number of Host and Subnet----------------------------------------- // Total Bits in an IPv4 Address is 32 bit = Subnet Bit + Host Bit // This Function will take in the Subnet bit and Host Bit and Return the Number of Host and the Number of subnet function calHostSub(net,hosts){ var subnHost = [] ; //-------Calculate the Number of Subnet -------------- subnHost[1] = Math.pow(2, net); //--------Calculate the Number of Host ---------------- subnHost[2] = Math.pow(2, hosts) -2; //-------- Minus 2 is because 1 is the Broadcast Address other is Network Address return [subnHost[1],subnHost[2]]; } //---------------------------Usable Ip Range ------------------------------------------------------- //This fuction will get the Paramater of the Network Adress and BroadCast Address function calIpRange(netL,brL){ var lastOctet = [] ; // First Host IP of the Network lastOctet[1] = netL + 1; // Last Host Ip of the Network lastOctet[2] = brL - 1; return [lastOctet[1],lastOctet[2]]; } //-------------------------This Function will check is it a Valid IP --------------------------/// function CheckIP(IPText){ ValidIP = false; //-----declare the Return Value var intIP = []; // Split the User Inputed IP and split into 4 array by . ipParts = IPText.split("."); // If the Array Length is 4 if(ipParts.length==4){ // Loop through the Array for(i=0;i<4;i++){ // assign the array Value into TheNum TheNum = parseInt(ipParts[i]); // Check whether the User inputed number is Between 0 to 255 if(TheNum >= 0 && TheNum <= 255){ //Yes Assign the Value intIP[i]= TheNum; } //No Break out of the Loop else{break;} } // If length equals 4 is a Valid IP if(i==4)ValidIP=true; } return [ValidIP,intIP[0],intIP[1],intIP[2],intIP[3] ]; } function calculateOrigin(){ validateIP = document.getElementById("getIp").value; // --------------Check Whether the User Enter Enter Correct Format----Check whether User Enter IP Address ipLogic = CheckIP(validateIP); rFormat = ipLogic[0] ; // If All Conditions is Valid Proceed Calculation if(!dropSelect || !rFormat ) { alert("You must Select a Subnet Mask and Enter Correct IP format "); } else { //Move in the Input Value ipEn1 = ipLogic[1]; ipEn2 = ipLogic[2]; ipEn3 = ipLogic[3]; ipEn4 = ipLogic[4]; // Calculate WildCard goWild = calWildCard(ipA,ipB,ipC,ipD); ipWn1 = goWild[0]; ipWn2 = goWild[1]; ipWn3 = goWild[2]; ipWn4 = goWild[3]; // Calculate Network Address goNetwork = calNetworkAddress(ipEn1,ipEn2,ipEn3,ipEn4,ipA,ipB ,ipC ,ipD ); ipNet1 = goNetwork[0]; ipNet2 = goNetwork[1]; ipNet3 = goNetwork[2]; ipNet4 = goNetwork[3]; //Calculate Broad Cast Address goBroad = calBroadcast(ipNet1,ipNet2,ipNet3,ipNet4 ); ipBro1 = goBroad[0]; ipBro2 = goBroad[1]; ipBro3 = goBroad[2]; ipBro4 = goBroad[3]; // Calculate Number of Subnet and Host goSubHost = calHostSub(subBits,hostBits ); ipSub = goSubHost[0]; ipHost = goSubHost[1]; // Calculate Usable IP Range goUsable = calIpRange(ipNet4,ipBro4); netLIP = goUsable[0]; brLIP = goUsable[1]; } document.getElementById("ipDisplay").innerHTML = "IP ADDRESS : "+ ipEn1 +"." + ipEn2 +"." + ipEn3 +"." + ipEn4 ; document.getElementById("subnetDisplay").innerHTML = "Net Mask : " + ipA +"." + ipB +"." + ipC +"." + ipD ; document.getElementById("wildDisplay").innerHTML = "Wild Card : " + ipWn1 +"." + ipWn2 +"." + ipWn3 +"." + ipWn4 ; document.getElementById("networkDisplay").innerHTML = "Network : " + ipNet1 +"." + ipNet2 +"." + ipNet3 +"." + ipNet4 ; document.getElementById("broadDisplay").innerHTML = "Broadcast Address : " + ipBro1 +"." + ipBro2 +"." + ipBro3 +"." + ipBro4; document.getElementById("subnetnumDisplay").innerHTML = " Number of Subnet : " + ipSub ; document.getElementById("hostDisplay").innerHTML = " Number of Host : " + ipHost ; document.getElementById("firstIpDisplay").innerHTML = " First IP of the Network : " + ipNet1 +"." + ipNet2 +"." + ipNet3 +"." + netLIP ; document.getElementById("lastIpDisplay").innerHTML = " Last IP of the Network : " + ipBro1 +"." + ipBro2 +"." + ipBro3 +"." + brLIP ; dropSelect = 0; kase =0; resetSelectElement(slct2); document.getElementById("getIp").value=""; }