JavaScript Ip Subnet calculator

JavaScript Ip Subnet calculator

In this Post  we will create  an IP Subnet Calculator using pure JavaScript

The Actual  Web App Here

download or fork the Code on Github


I am using ES5 to code the Project .In  order to code this IP Subnet Calculator , we will need to create 2 Files, one is the  HTML file and the other is a JavaScript File.


The User Interface of  the Web App looks like below


The Web App will Calculate the Value listed below , by Accepting Host IP Address and Subnet Mask Input from User

  • Net Mask
  • Wild Card
  • Network
  • Broadcast Address
  • Number of Subnet
  • Number of Host
  • First IP of the Network
  • Last IP of the Network


In the HTML Code

(1) In Line 7 First we Call the JavaScript File

(2)  Create the User Form  with a Text Box for the User to Input IP Address  / A Selector for the User to Select IP Subnet Mask / Calculate Button

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <!--Call the Javascript File-->
    <img src="" data-wp-preserve="%3Cscript%20src%3D%22theScript.js%22%3E%3C%2Fscript%3E" data-mce-resize="false" data-mce-placeholder="1" class="mce-object" width="20" height="20" alt="&lt;script&gt;" title="&lt;script&gt;" />
    <title>IP Subnet Calculator</title>

        <h2>IP Subnet Calculator</h2>
         <label><strong>IP Address (Host)</strong></label>
         <input type="text" name="field1" class="field-style field-full align-none" id="getIp" placeholder="" >

 <hr class="style2">   
           <p style="color:blue;"><strong>Subnet Mask:</strong>
                            <select id="slct2" name="slct2" style="text-align:center; margin-left: 10px;" onchange="ipMask(">
                                      <option value=""></option>
                                      <option value= "1"> / 32</option>
                                      <option value= "2"> / 31</option>
                                      <option value= "3"> / 30</option>
                                      <option value= "4"> / 29</option>
                                      <option value= "5"> / 28</option>
                                      <option value= "6"> / 27</option>
									  <option value= "7"> / 26</option>
                                      <option value= "8"> / 25</option>
									  <option value= "9"> / 24</option>
									  <option value= "10"> / 23</option>
									  <option value= "11"> / 22</option>
									  <option value= "12"> / 21</option>
									  <option value= "13"> / 20</option>
									  <option value= "14"> / 19</option>
									  <option value= "15"> / 18</option>
									  <option value= "16"> / 17</option>
									  <option value= "17"> / 16</option>
									  <option value= "18"> / 15</option>
									  <option value= "19"> / 14</option>
									  <option value= "20"> / 13</option>
									  <option value= "21"> / 12</option>
									  <option value= "22"> / 11</option>
									  <option value= "23"> / 10</option>
                                      <option value= "24"> / 9</option>
									  <option value= "25"> / 8</option>
									  <option value= "26"> / 7</option>
									  <option value= "27"> / 6</option>
									  <option value= "28"> / 5</option>
									  <option value= "29"> / 4</option>
									  <option value= "30"> / 3</option>
									  <option value= "31"> / 2</option>
									  <option value= "32"> / 1</option>
     <hr class="style2">         
            <input type="button" value="Calculate" id="" onclick="calculateOrigin();"/>      
      <h3 id="ipDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> 
      <h3 id="subnetDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> 
      <h3 id="wildDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> 
	  <h3 id="networkDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> 
	  <h3 id="broadDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> 
	  <h3 id="subnetnumDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> 
	  <h3 id="hostDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> 
	  <h3 id="firstIpDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> 
	  <h3 id="lastIpDisplay"><strong></strong> </h3> 


JavaScript Code

For this Ip subnet Calculator Web App , the brain which processes the User input Value is the JavaScript Code

In this JavaScript Code we will Actually create a few  Function listed below to Process the User Input

(1) ipMask Function -> To Collect Subnet Mask from the User

(2) resetSelectElement Function -> To Reset the Selector to default Selection

(3) calWildCard Function -> To Calculate the Network Wildcard Address

(4) calNetworkAddress  Function-> To Calculate the Network Address base on the User Inputted Network Address and Subnet Mask

(5) calBroadcast Function -> To Calculate Broad Cast Address

(6) calHostSub Function -> Calculate the Number of Host and Subnet

(7) calIpRange  Function-> To Derive the First Host IP and Last Host IP of a Network

(8) CheckIP  Function -> This Function will Check whether the User  Entered a Correct IP Format

Finally i will Call all the Function inside calculateOrigin.

Please refer the Code below , is Heavily Commented

   //------Subnet IP  -------------   
            var ipA = 0;
			var ipB = 0;
			var ipC = 0;
			var ipD = 0;
		//------Enter IP --------------	
		//---En1 . En2  . En3 .En4
		    var ipEn1 = 0;
			var ipEn2 = 0;
			var ipEn3 = 0;
			var ipEn4 = 0;
		    var ipWn1 = 0;
			var ipWn2 = 0;
			var ipWn3 = 0;
			var ipWn4 = 0;
		//------Network Address------------
		    var ipNet1 = 0;
			var ipNet2 = 0;
			var ipNet3 = 0;
			var ipNet4 = 0;
	    // -------BroadCast Adding Bit---------------------------
		     var ipBr1 = 0;
			 var ipBr2 = 0;
			 var ipBr3 = 0;
			 var ipBr4 = 0;
		// -------BroadCast Adding Bit---------------------------
		     var ipBro1 = 0;
			 var ipBro2 = 0;
			 var ipBro3 = 0;
			 var ipBro4 = 0;	

        //------Sub and Host -------------------------------------

              var ipSub = 0;
              var ipHost = 0;

			var validateIP = 0;
			var rFormat = false;
            var sellComm =0 ;
            var selectLog = 0;
            var dropSelect =0;
			//-----------Intermediate Variable-----------
			var ipLogic = false;
            var goWild = 0;
			var goNetwork = 0;
			var kase =0;
			var goBroad =0;
			var goSubHost =0 ;
			var subBits =0;
			var hostBits =0 ;
			var goUsable =0;
			var netLIP =0 ;
			var brLIP =0 ;
 // This Function will Get the IP subnet Mask Value from the Selection    
function ipMask(s2){
                                 var s2 = document.getElementById(s2);
	                                     if(s2.value == "1"){
                                               ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 255;
			                                   ipC = 255;
			                                   ipD = 255;    
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 0;
											   ipBr3 = 0;
											   ipBr4 = 0;
											    subBits =32;
			                                    hostBits =0 ;
											  kase = 1 ;
                                              dropSelect =1;
                                          else if(s2.value == "2"){
                                               ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 255;
			                                   ipC = 255;
			                                   ipD = 254; 
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 0;
											   ipBr3 = 0;
											   ipBr4 = 1;
											   subBits =31;
			                                   hostBits =1 ;
											   kase = 2 ;
                                               dropSelect =1;											   
                                         else if(s2.value == "3"){
                                               ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 255;
			                                   ipC = 255;
			                                   ipD = 252; 
											    //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 0;
											   ipBr3 = 0;
											   ipBr4 = 3;
											   subBits =30;
			                                   hostBits =2 ;
					                            kase = 3 ;
		                                        dropSelect =1;           
                                        else if(s2.value == "4"){
                                               ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 255;
			                                   ipC = 255;
			                                   ipD = 248; 
											    //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 0;
											   ipBr3 = 0;
											   ipBr4 = 7;
											   subBits =29;
			                                   hostBits =3 ;
		                                       kase = 4 ;           
                                               dropSelect =1;
                                       else if(s2.value == "5"){
                                               ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 255;
			                                   ipC = 255;
			                                   ipD = 240; 
											    //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 0;
											   ipBr3 = 0;
											   ipBr4 = 15;
											   subBits =28;
			                                   hostBits =4 ;
		                                      kase = 5 ;              
                                              dropSelect =1;
                                        else if(s2.value == "6"){
											   ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 255;
			                                   ipC = 255;
			                                   ipD = 224; 
											    //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 0;
											   ipBr3 = 0;
											   ipBr4 = 31;
											   subBits =27;
			                                   hostBits =5 ;
											   kase = 6 ;  
		                                       dropSelect =1;          
										else if(s2.value == "7"){
											   ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 255;
			                                   ipC = 255;
			                                   ipD = 192; 
											    //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 0;
											   ipBr3 = 0;
											   ipBr4 = 63;
											   subBits =26;
			                                   hostBits =6 ;
											   kase = 7 ;  
		                                       dropSelect =1;          
										else if(s2.value == "8"){
											   ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 255;
			                                   ipC = 255;
			                                   ipD = 128; 
											     //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 0;
											   ipBr3 = 0;
											   ipBr4 = 127;
											   subBits =25;
			                                   hostBits =7 ;
											   kase = 8 ;  
		                                       dropSelect =1;          
										else if(s2.value == "9"){
                                               ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 255;
			                                   ipC = 255;
			                                   ipD = 0;    
											     //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 0;
											   ipBr3 = 0;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =24;
			                                   hostBits =8 ;
											  kase = 9 ;  
                                              dropSelect =1;
                                          else if(s2.value == "10"){
                                               ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 255;
			                                   ipC = 254;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											     //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 0;
											   ipBr3 = 1;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =23;
			                                   hostBits =9 ;
											   kase = 10 ;  
                                               dropSelect =1;											   
                                         else if(s2.value == "11"){
                                               ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 255;
			                                   ipC = 252;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											    //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 0;
											   ipBr3 = 3;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =22;
			                                   hostBits =10 ;
					                            kase = 11 ;  
		                                        dropSelect =1;           
                                        else if(s2.value == "12"){
                                               ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 255;
			                                   ipC = 248;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 0;
											   ipBr3 = 7;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =21;
			                                   hostBits =11 ;
		                                       kase = 12 ;             
                                               dropSelect =1;
                                       else if(s2.value == "13"){
                                               ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 255;
			                                   ipC = 240;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 0;
											   ipBr3 = 15;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =20;
			                                   hostBits =12 ;
		                                       kase = 13 ;             
                                              dropSelect =1;
                                        else if(s2.value == "14"){
											   ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 255;
			                                   ipC = 224;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 0;
											   ipBr3 = 31;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =19;
			                                   hostBits =13 ;
											   kase = 14 ;  
		                                       dropSelect =1;          
										else if(s2.value == "15"){
											   ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 255;
			                                   ipC = 192;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 0;
											   ipBr3 = 63;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =18;
			                                   hostBits =14 ;
											   kase = 15 ;  
		                                       dropSelect =1;          
										else if(s2.value == "16"){
											   ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 255;
			                                   ipC = 128;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 0;
											   ipBr3 = 127;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =17;
			                                   hostBits =15 ;
											   kase = 16 ;   
		                                       dropSelect =1;          
										else if(s2.value == "17"){
                                               ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 255;
			                                   ipC = 0;
			                                   ipD = 0;  

                                               //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 0;
											   ipBr3 = 255;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =16;
			                                   hostBits =16 ;

											   kase = 17 ;  
                                              dropSelect =1;
                                          else if(s2.value == "18"){
                                               ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 254;
			                                   ipC = 0;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 1;
											   ipBr3 = 255;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =15;
			                                   hostBits =17 ;
											   kase = 18 ;  
                                               dropSelect =1;											   
                                         else if(s2.value == "19"){
                                               ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 252;
			                                   ipC = 0;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											    //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 3;
											   ipBr3 = 255;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =14;
			                                   hostBits =18 ;
					                            kase = 19 ;  
		                                        dropSelect =1;           
                                        else if(s2.value == "20"){
                                               ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 248;
			                                   ipC = 0;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 7;
											   ipBr3 = 255;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   kase = 20 ;  
                                               dropSelect =1;
											   subBits =13;
			                                   hostBits =19 ;
                                       else if(s2.value == "21"){
                                               ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 240;
			                                   ipC = 0;
			                                   ipD = 0;
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 15;
											   ipBr3 = 255;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =12;
			                                   hostBits =20 ;

		                                      kase = 21 ;              
                                              dropSelect =1;
                                        else if(s2.value == "22"){
											   ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 224;
			                                   ipC = 0;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 31;
											   ipBr3 = 255;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =11;
			                                   hostBits =21 ;
											   kase = 22 ;  
		                                       dropSelect =1;          
										else if(s2.value == "23"){
											   ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 192;
			                                   ipC = 0;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 63;
											   ipBr3 = 255;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =10;
			                                   hostBits =22;
											   kase = 23 ;  
		                                       dropSelect =1;          
										else if(s2.value == "24"){
											   ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 128;
			                                   ipC = 0;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 127;
											   ipBr3 = 255;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =9;
			                                   hostBits =23;
											   kase = 24 ;  
		                                       dropSelect =1;          
										else if(s2.value == "25"){
                                               ipA = 255;
			                                   ipB = 0;
			                                   ipC = 0;
			                                   ipD = 0; 

                                        //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 0;
									           ipBr2 = 255;
											   ipBr3 = 255;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =8;
			                                   hostBits =24;

							                  kase = 25 ;  
                                              dropSelect =1;
                                          else if(s2.value == "26"){
                                               ipA = 254;
			                                   ipB = 0;
			                                   ipC = 0;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 1;
									           ipBr2 = 255;
											   ipBr3 = 255;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =7;
			                                   hostBits =25;
											   kase = 26 ;  
                                               dropSelect =1;											   
                                         else if(s2.value == "27"){
                                               ipA = 252;
			                                   ipB = 0;
			                                   ipC = 0;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 3;
									           ipBr2 = 255;
											   ipBr3 = 255;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =6;
			                                   hostBits =26;
					                            kase = 27 ;  
		                                        dropSelect =1;           
                                        else if(s2.value == "28"){
                                               ipA = 248;
			                                   ipB = 0;
			                                   ipC = 0;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 7;
									           ipBr2 = 255;
											   ipBr3 = 255;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =5;
			                                   hostBits =27;
											   kase = 28 ;  
                                               dropSelect =1;
                                       else if(s2.value == "29"){
                                               ipA = 240;
			                                   ipB = 0;
			                                   ipC = 0;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 15;
									           ipBr2 = 255;
											   ipBr3 = 255;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											    subBits =4;
			                                   hostBits =28;
		                                      kase = 29 ;              
                                              dropSelect =1;
                                        else if(s2.value == "30"){
											   ipA = 224;
			                                   ipB = 0;
			                                   ipC = 0;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 31;
									           ipBr2 = 255;
											   ipBr3 = 255;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =3;
			                                   hostBits =29;
											   kase = 30 ;  
		                                       dropSelect =1;          
										else if(s2.value == "31"){
											   ipA = 192;
			                                   ipB = 0;
			                                   ipC = 0;
			                                   ipD = 0; 
											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 63;
									           ipBr2 = 255;
											   ipBr3 = 255;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =2;
			                                   hostBits =30;
											   kase = 31 ;  
		                                       dropSelect =1;          
										else if(s2.value == "32"){
											   ipA = 128;
			                                   ipB = 0;
			                                   ipC = 0;
			                                   ipD = 0;

											   //-------Value to add for Broad Cast --------------
											   ipBr1 = 127;
									           ipBr2 = 255;
											   ipBr3 = 255;
											   ipBr4 = 255;
											   subBits =1;
			                                   hostBits =31;
											   kase = 32 ;  
		                                       dropSelect =1;          

//------------------------------------ Default Selection--------------------------------------------

function resetSelectElement(selectElement) {
    var options = selectElement.options;

    // Look for a default selected option
    for (var i=0, iLen=options.length; i<iLen; i++) {

        if (options[i].defaultSelected) {
            selectElement.selectedIndex = i;

    // If no option is the default, select first or none as appropriate
    selectElement.selectedIndex = 0; // or -1 for no option selected

//--------------------------Calculate Wild Card------------------------------------------------------------

function  calWildCard(w1,w2,w3,w4){

         var outWild = [];

         outWild[1] = 255 -w1 ;
         outWild[2] = 255 -w2 ;
		 outWild[3] = 255 -w3 ;
		 outWild[4] = 255 -w4 ;

     return [ outWild[1], outWild[2], outWild[3], outWild[4] ];


//-----------------------------Calculate Network Address ---------------------------------------------------------

// This function will accept parameter from User Input IP Address and Subnet Mask Selected by User, broken into Single Digits

function  calNetworkAddress(en1,en2,en3,en4,ss1,ss2,ss3,ss4 ){

//-----------Network Address Output --------------------------------------

          var netOut = [] ;

//--------Convert all input Value to Binary-------------------------------

                   //-----Enter IP Portion ------
                   //  cen1 = en1.toString(2);
				   // cen2 = en2.toString(2);
					// cen3 = en3.toString(2);
					 //cen4 = en4.toString(2);
					//----Subnet IP Portion
					// css1  = ss1.toString(2);
					// css2 = ss2.toString(2);
					// css3 = ss3.toString(2);
					 //css4 = ss4.toString(2);
//--------------'And 'the User Input Value with the Subnet Value Selected to get the Network Address ------------------------------------------------
                   netOut[1] = en1 & ss1 ;
				   netOut[2] = en2 & ss2 ;
				   netOut[3] = en3 & ss3 ;
				   netOut[4] = en4 & ss4 ;
//-----------Convert Binary Value Back to Decimal-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 return [netOut[1],netOut[2],netOut[3],netOut[4] ];				   


//----------Calculate the BroadCast Address ------------------------------------------

// Broad Cast Address is Derive by filling up the last few host bit Address with 1s 

// This Function will take in the Network Address Parameter  and fill the  last few host Bit with 1s

// The Value for  ipBr1 to ipBr4 is derive  in the ipMasks Function

function  calBroadcast(net1,net2,net3,net4 ){

              var broadOut = [] ;

                   broadOut[1] = net1 | ipBr1 ;
				   broadOut[2] = net2 | ipBr2 ;
				   broadOut[3] = net3 | ipBr3 ;
				   broadOut[4] = net4 | ipBr4 ;

 return [broadOut[1],broadOut[2],broadOut[3],broadOut[4] ];	


//----------Calculate  Number of Host and Subnet-----------------------------------------

// Total Bits in an IPv4 Address is 32 bit = Subnet Bit  + Host Bit
// This Function will take in the Subnet bit and Host Bit and Return the Number of Host and the Number of subnet

function  calHostSub(net,hosts){

 var subnHost = [] ;

//-------Calculate the Number of Subnet --------------

           subnHost[1] =  Math.pow(2, net);

//--------Calculate the Number of Host ----------------

          subnHost[2] =  Math.pow(2, hosts) -2;
		  //-------- Minus 2 is because 1 is the Broadcast Address other is Network Address

 return [subnHost[1],subnHost[2]];			  


//---------------------------Usable Ip Range -------------------------------------------------------
//This fuction will get the Paramater of the Network Adress and BroadCast Address

function  calIpRange(netL,brL){

       var lastOctet = [] ; 

	   // First Host IP of the Network
       lastOctet[1] = netL + 1;
	   // Last Host Ip of the Network
	   lastOctet[2] = brL - 1;
 return [lastOctet[1],lastOctet[2]];	

  //-------------------------This Function will check is it a  Valid IP  --------------------------///

  function CheckIP(IPText){
    ValidIP = false; 
	//-----declare  the Return Value 
    var intIP = [];
    // Split the User Inputed IP and split into 4 array  by .
    ipParts = IPText.split(".");
	// If the Array Length is 4
	   // Loop through the Array
        // assign the array Value into TheNum 
        TheNum = parseInt(ipParts[i]);
		// Check whether the User inputed number is Between  0 to 255
        if(TheNum >= 0 && TheNum <= 255){
		//Yes Assign the Value
		intIP[i]= TheNum; 
		//No Break out of the Loop
	  // If length equals 4 is a Valid IP
    return [ValidIP,intIP[0],intIP[1],intIP[2],intIP[3] ];

    function calculateOrigin(){
                           validateIP = document.getElementById("getIp").value;
          // --------------Check Whether the User Enter Enter Correct Format----Check whether User Enter IP Address
                          ipLogic = CheckIP(validateIP);
						  rFormat =   ipLogic[0] ;
        // If All Conditions is Valid Proceed Calculation
         if(!dropSelect || !rFormat  ) {
                   alert("You must Select a Subnet Mask and Enter Correct IP format ");
        else {
            //Move in the Input Value
               ipEn1  = ipLogic[1];
			   ipEn2  = ipLogic[2];
			   ipEn3  = ipLogic[3];
			   ipEn4  = ipLogic[4];
			// Calculate WildCard
			   goWild = calWildCard(ipA,ipB,ipC,ipD);
			   ipWn1  = goWild[0];
			   ipWn2  = goWild[1];
			   ipWn3  = goWild[2];
			   ipWn4  = goWild[3];
			// Calculate Network Address
			     goNetwork   = calNetworkAddress(ipEn1,ipEn2,ipEn3,ipEn4,ipA,ipB ,ipC ,ipD );
			   ipNet1  = goNetwork[0];
			   ipNet2 = goNetwork[1];
			   ipNet3 = goNetwork[2];
			   ipNet4  = goNetwork[3];
			  //Calculate Broad Cast Address
			        goBroad    =  calBroadcast(ipNet1,ipNet2,ipNet3,ipNet4 );
					ipBro1  =  goBroad[0];
			        ipBro2 =  goBroad[1];
			        ipBro3 =  goBroad[2];
			        ipBro4  =  goBroad[3];
			 // Calculate Number of Subnet and Host
					goSubHost = calHostSub(subBits,hostBits );
					ipSub = goSubHost[0];
                    ipHost = goSubHost[1];
			 // Calculate Usable IP Range		
			       goUsable = calIpRange(ipNet4,ipBro4);
				   netLIP = goUsable[0];
				   brLIP = goUsable[1];
					 document.getElementById("ipDisplay").innerHTML = "IP ADDRESS : "+ ipEn1  +"." + ipEn2 +"." + ipEn3 +"." + ipEn4 ;
					 document.getElementById("subnetDisplay").innerHTML = "Net Mask : " + ipA  +"." + ipB +"." + ipC +"." + ipD ;
					 document.getElementById("wildDisplay").innerHTML = "Wild Card : " + ipWn1 +"." + ipWn2 +"." + ipWn3 +"." + ipWn4 ;
					 document.getElementById("networkDisplay").innerHTML = "Network : " + ipNet1 +"." + ipNet2 +"." + ipNet3 +"." + ipNet4 ;
					 document.getElementById("broadDisplay").innerHTML = "Broadcast Address : " + ipBro1 +"." + ipBro2 +"." + ipBro3 +"." + ipBro4;
					 document.getElementById("subnetnumDisplay").innerHTML = " Number of Subnet : " + ipSub ;
					 document.getElementById("hostDisplay").innerHTML = " Number of Host : " + ipHost ;
					 document.getElementById("firstIpDisplay").innerHTML = " First IP of the Network : " + ipNet1 +"." + ipNet2 +"." + ipNet3 +"." + netLIP ;
					 document.getElementById("lastIpDisplay").innerHTML = "  Last IP of the Network : " + ipBro1 +"." + ipBro2 +"." + ipBro3 +"." + brLIP ;
         dropSelect = 0;
		 kase =0;


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