Finding all possible combinations of numbers to reach a given sum JavaScript
Finding all possible combinations of numbers to reach a given sum JavaScript. In this Article , i will use JavaScript for loop to generate different possible adding combination of 4 number specified by the user . The Combination numbers will add up to the target sum specified by the User.
Function in JavaScript that i will be using is as below:
comFunc -> Stands for Combination Functions
geCom-> Stand sfor Generate Functions
I will Attached the Code below ,
The Code is heavily Commented , hopefully it will be easily understood
This App will Generate Different Adding Combination
User are require to input 4 individual Numbers
User are require to Provide a Target Sum
The App will Generate Adding Combination . By adding the Number 3 Time base on the User Provided Set
Sample Code for Finding all possible combinations of numbers to reach a given sum JavaScript
var member =[]; // Main Container Array var container=[]; // Combination Array var arrays=[]; var target =0; var text =""; //-------------------Combination Function ----------------------------------------------------------- const comFunc =(ar_a, tar)=>{ let temp =0; let temp_2 =0; // Loop Through the array for(x=0; x < ar_a.length ; x++){ // Check Whether the Target Sum equal to any member in the Array if (ar_a[x] == tar){ // if yes push the Value into the Member Array member.push(ar_a[x]); member.push(0); member.push(0); // Push the member into the container container.push(member); // Clear container member =[]; } // if does not equal else{ // loop trough the array in second tier for (y=0; y <ar_a.length;y++){ // add the first tier with the second tier temp = ar_a[x] + ar_a[y]; if (temp == tar){ member.push(ar_a[x]); member.push(ar_a[y]); member.push(0); container.push(member); member =[]; } else{ for (z=0; z <ar_a.length;z++){ // add the first tier with the second tier and third Tier temp_2 = ar_a[x] + ar_a[y] +ar_a[z]; if (temp_2 == tar){ member.push(ar_a[x]); member.push(ar_a[y]); member.push(ar_a[z]); container.push(member); member =[]; } } } } } } } //--------------------Generate------------------------------------------------------------------------ const geCom =() =>{ // Get all Value from the Input HTML Text let var_one = document.getElementById("var_1").value; let var_two = document.getElementById("var_2").value; let var_three = document.getElementById("var_3").value; let var_four = document.getElementById("var_4").value; target = document.getElementById("target").value; // Convert all text into Integer var_one=parseInt(var_one); var_two=parseInt(var_two); var_three=parseInt(var_three); var_four=parseInt(var_four); target=parseInt(target); // Push the Value into the Arrays arrays.push(var_one); arrays.push(var_two); arrays.push(var_three); arrays.push(var_four); // Call the function comFunc(arrays,target); // First loop through the container for(i=0; i< container.length ;i++){ // within the container loop through the child array for (y=0; y<container[i].length;y++){ // Concatenate the text text += container[i][y] + " , "; } // assign break point for next line text += "<br/>"; } // Print out the Result document.getElementById("outputArray").innerHTML = text; // Clear Everything member =[]; container=[]; arrays=[]; target =0; text =""; }
Check out How to use for loop to create element and Print out Array Content in JavaScript Here