Krieger Power Inverter DIY Installation And Review

Krieger Power Inverter DIY Installation And Review

I bought this Krieger   2000W Power Inverter around the month of  May 2022 from Carousel  to Replace  existing  Erayak  1500W Inverter running in  my Solar Panel Systems.   To me , it was quite a deal breaking , as it only cost me SGD$ 78  for the unit , but if i were to  purchase through it will cost around USD$189.97  exclude Shipping Fee .

Note: This is not a Sponsored Blog, just my honest Review after using the product.

Krieger Inverter Bought In Carousel
Krieger Inverter Bought In Carousel
Krieger Selling In Amazon
Krieger Selling In Amazon

Why I am Looking to Replace My Existing Erayak Power Inverter ? 

As mention on top , the Power Inverter is  use to fit into my existing Solar Power Systems . Initially the Goal for my  Solar Power Systems  is to Support all Electric Power Usage for my Balcony   &  Master Bedroom Electrical Appliance  . At my Balcony i have a Samsung Washing Machine and 8 Light bulb . The Total Estimated Power Consumption in Watts are 960W , 800W for my Washing Machine and 160W for my Light Bulbs.

With the existing Erayak Inverter  in place , seems to be a surmounting task for it to coop with continuous load of 1000W . Eventually it broke down in few occasion due to over heating .

Power Inverter , are big ticket Items  for  me , it will cost around USD $150  to Thousands for a good Power Inverter. For Months i have been searching  for a Reliable and cost effective Inverters , finally I found this Krieger  KRU2000 Inverter Selling for S$78 in Carousel . I grab it , till today i am still quite satisfied  with my purchase.

Below Picture Shows a Portion of my solar Power Panel  , is a back breaking Project , as every single nail and structure , was installed solely  alone without help . almost twisted my back to get this in place

My Solar Power Systems
My Solar Power Systems



Krieger 2000 Watts  KRU2000 Specification  ? 

If  you refer the Specification Manual Picture below , there are a few take away. First The KRU 2000 Krieger Power Inverter supply a Continuous power of 2000W  and has a Peak Power of 4000W.  Peak  Power is for Appliance like Water Heater / Griller / Pumps / Aircon  ., where there will be an initial surge of Power during the Initial start Up .

The Inverter will convert 12 V VDC to 230VAC  with a DC Rated Current of  21.5A and  output AC Current of 8.7A. Output AC  Wave Form Type is modified Sine Wave.

Dimension :: 15.39 x 7.71 x 3.46

Krieger Specification
Krieger Specification

Some Thoughts On Modified Sine Wave vs Pure Sine Wave ?

In general , it will be far more efficient   to Use a Pure Sine Wave Inverter vs a Modified Sine Wave Inverter.  As Pure Sine Wave has a sleek  smoother processed waveform , that will protect it from damaging  your Sensitive Electrical Appliance .Example Of Sensitive Electrical Appliance such as Amplifier , Laptop, Television etc

But Everything in Life come with a cost . Pure Sine Wave Power Inverter in general Cost more than a Modified Sine Wave Inverter.

For my Case since i use this Inverter to Power my Washing Machine , Light Bulbs, Air Conditioner . Modified Sine Wave will be good enough as of for now .

Up to date after the Installation on July 2022  till now  . The Krieger Inverter is use to power my washing Machine , BBQ  Griller , Light Bulb. Nothing have broken down so far.


What’s Included Inside The Package?

The Package Comes with a (1) Remote Switch  (2) RJ45 Cable to Connect the Remote Switch  (3) Battery Fuse Holder (4) Battery Cables (5) The Inverter itself

Come with Items
Come with Items

Tools that you will need to Install the Inverter ?

  1. Electric Drill
  2. Adjustable Spanners
  3. Self Drilling Screws
  4. Cutter
  5. Cable Tie
  6. Flat Head  and Phillip Head Screw Driver
Electric Drill
Electric Drill


Cabling connection  ( Proceed with Caution -> Is Electricity)

Step 1.

Connect the  Negative  ( Black Cable  ) Cable  from the Inverter Negative Pole to the Battery Negative Pole


Step 2.

Connect the  Positive ( Red Cable  ) Cable  from the Inverter Positive Pole to  the Fuse Holder

Step 3.

Connect the  the Fuse Holder  Cable  to the   Positive Pole  of the Battery

Step 4.

Turn the Inverter On  , you can now start testing your Inverter

Cable Connection
Cable Connection


Testing  The Krieger Inverter

4 Months , after Installation , the Krieger Inverter runs Well with my Solar Systems Setup . The Krieger Inverter will draw Power from my 12V  150AH Lithium Ion DC Battery  , convert it to 230vac  , and supply  voltage to power up my  Samsung Washing Machine , BBQ Griller , and Balcony Lights .

Up to Date All Appliances are in fine working condition , nothing have broken down .

Testing Subject 1 ( 1200w BBQ  Griller)

Grilling BBQ Using Power Generated from Lithium Ion Battery Converted By Krieger Power Inverter

Below Video shows my wife is preparing Mookata Grill with the 1200W BBQ Griller Power By Kireger Power Inverter 

Below Video shows Krieger Inverter  Powering My Washing Machine

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