Multiple Output From Node Red Function

Multiple Output From Node Red Function

In this Post , I will step through on how to output multiple variable  from node-red function to multiple message.

Node Components that you will need

  1.  1 x Inject Node
  2.  1  x Function Node
  3. 3 x Debug Node


Step 1 

Add a New flow

Step 2

Drag out an inject Node and Configure as below

Step 3 

Drag Out the Function Node  , double click on the function node, provide a Name to your function, in my case i name it as ” Multiple Output” , when done click on the Setup tab  , at the Outputs text box input “3” . Meaning the Function will produce 3 Outputs.

Step 4

At your function node click  the  ” On Message Tab ”  and write the Code Below into the text Box Area.


Step 5

Drag out 3 Debug node ,  and provide it a name . In my Case i name it  msg 1 / msg 2 / msg 3, and configure  it as below



Step 6

Joint All the Node Together and Click Deploy . Observe the output Message



Output Message




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