Create API Connecting to MongoDB Part 1

In this Artcle i will show you how to create API to connect to Mongo DB  Database step by step.

First Create a Folder call  shop-api

Anyway you can name the Folder what ever name you wanted


Open Terminal and navigate to the folder ” shop-api ”

Initialize Node Package Manager

Node Package Manager will  walk you through to create the JSON File


Install Body-parser

Install Mongoose express



When Done Check your File, it should contain all the files in the picture below



Open Fie ” Server.js” and write the code below


var express = require('express');
var app =express();
var bodyParser =require('body-parser');
var mongoose =require('mongoose');
var db = mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/shop-api');


    console.log("Shop API running")

Check whether the API is connected

Check out how to find and remove data form Mongo DB here

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