Income Weighted Average Age Calculator

Income Weighted Average Age Calculator

Income Weighted Average Age Calculator, IWAA.

The Calculator below will  help you to Calculate IWAA , when more than one Co- borrower come into the scene to  purchase Property


Income Weighted Average Age Calculator

IWAA Guideline

To Understand what is IWAA. First we will need to Understand what is  what is LTV . LTV Ratio will determine how much one can borrow when purchasing a Property.

A LTV Ratio of 80% means that you will be able to borrow 80% of the total Value of the Property Price.

LTV Ratio  are affected by age and the Loan Tenure

Scenario that will cause LTV Ratio  to Drop 55%

(1) Loan Exceeding 30 Years ( Maximum Loan Year is 35 Years)

(3) Age + Loan Tenure exceed 65

How to Counter when LTV Ratio Drop 55%

To counter act this Scenario , Individual Buyer can bring in  a Co -Borrower.

If the Individual Buyer age and the Co borrower  Age are the same bank will still use LTV Ratio to Calculate


If the Individual Buyer age and the Co Borrower Age are difference. Bank will use IWAA to calculate 

IWAA Fomulae is as below

IWAA = (Borrower A  Monthly Income x  age of borrower A) + ( Borrower B Monthly Income  x age of Borrower B) / Borrower Total Monthly Income


Borrower A Age = 35

Borrower A Monthly Income = S$4000

Borrower B Age = 30

Borrower B Monthly Income = S$3000

IWAA = ( S$4000 x  35) + ( 30 xS$3000) / 7000

IWAA = 33

Loan Tenure = 65- 33 =32


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