J Trust Bank Fixed Deposit

J Trust Bank Fixed Deposit


Updated August 2021


Placement Method 1st Deposit 2nd Deposit 3rd deposit
For Initial Placement:
Placement Amount Rp20.000.000 Rp20.000.000 Rp20.000.000
Interest Rate 4,75% p.a 5.00% p.a 5.25% p.a
Tenor ( Month )  2, 3, 4, 6,  12   2, 3, 4, 6, 12   2, 3, 4, 6,  12 
For Extended Placement:
Placement Amount Rp40.000.000 Rp40.000.000 Rp40.000.000
Interest Rate 4,75% p.a 5.00% p.a 5.25% p.a
Tenor ( Month )  2, 3, 4, 6,  12   2, 3, 4, 6, 12   2, 3, 4, 6,  12 


Interest Rate Calculation


Interest Rate Calculation Nominal
Example :

Deposit Placement Date : 10 Sep 2021











Deposit Amount :  Rp20.000.000

Interest Rate : 4.75%

Tenor  : 3 Month

Interest Pay out every Month

Interest Payout  :10 Dec 2021
Interest Calculation :  Rp20.000.000 x 4,75% x (90/365 days)
Tax :20% : Rp234.247 x 20% Rp46,849
Interest Earn (Net) : Rp234.247 – Rp46.849

Interest Payment Monthly (Gross) = Rp234.247/3

Interest Payment Monthly(Net) : Rp78.082 – Rp15.616




J Trust Bank Deposit Placement Scheme Overview

The  1-2-3 Deposit Placement  program, allow  Customer to place a nominal Amount ( example :Rp20.000.000) at a Specified Time line (  2, 3, 4, 6,  12  months)

Where each  subsequent Deposit Placement ( up to 3 Placement ) at a Specified Time line (  2, 3, 4, 6,  12 ) will enable the Customer to gain Higher interest Payment than its previous Placement.

Terms and Conditions

Program Participants: Old or  New Customers.

Placement Conditions : 
Customer will be given the option to select how many placement they required, Up to 3 Placement Offered

(1) 3 Placement at a Specified Time line (  2, 3, 4, 6,  12  months) -> Customer is required to Place Deposit of the Nominal Value in Sequential Order 1,2,3

(1) 2 Placement at a Specified Time line (  2, 3, 4, 6,  12  months) -> Customer is required to Place Deposit of the Nominal Value in Sequential Order 1,2

(1) 1 Placement at a Specified Time line (  2, 3, 4, 6,  12  months) -> Customer is required to Place Deposit of the Nominal Value only one time

For Example: 

Customer A : 1st Placement amount : Rp 20,000,000 ,2nd Placement amount : Rp 20,000,000 ,3rd Placement amount : Rp 30,000,000 . Total of all 3 Placement Add Up =  Rp 70,000,000

When the Time line for all 3 Placement Ended , if the Customer wish to Continue , he or she  might need to add additional Fresh fund  Rp 70,000,000. Thus Total fund equal Rp 140,000,000  (Old Fund +  New Fund)

Mean while

If the Deposit Time Line Expires , Customer can choose to extend deposit placement  by participating  the 1-2-3 Triple Profit Deposit Program again. Subjected if the time of extension is valid  including the interest rate of the  following  program conditions  is applicable.

It is not possible to extend Deposit program after maturity (unless it has been stipulated in the program), after program membership maturity, deposits can be extended with adjusted interest rates and counter interest rates apply.

Placements for program extensions are only permitted in multiples of a total of IDR 70 million and for a total extension of IDR 140 million.
The Earned  interest rate is subject to a 20% tax, unless there are other provisions allocated for  special customers.


Check Out  J Trust Bank

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