KW / KVA / KVAR / PF Calculator
KW / KVA / KVAR / PF Calculator , This Calculator will help you calculate the below Parameter, base on your inputted value
- KW ( Real Power)
- KVA ( Apparent Power)
- KVAR ( Reactive Power)
- PF ( Power Factor )
By calculating the Value , Engineer are able to map Power Triangle to find ways to increase Power Transfer Efficiency .
Formulae as Below
V= Voltage , I = Current , PF = Power Factor
Desired Data | Single Phase | Three Phase |
KW |
(V x I x PF) /1000
1.73 x (V x I x PF) /1000 |
KVA | (V x I ) /1000 | 1.73 x (V x I ) /1000 |
KVAR | (V x I x √1-PF 2 ) /1000 | 1.73 * (V x I x √1-PF 2 ) /1000 |