Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant

Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant

The  International Enterprise Singapore provide incentive to SME owner to cover 70% of their investment cost on the effort for upgrading their business into innovative solution under the  Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) grant.

Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant

Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant objective is to support Business owner in Singapore , to set up oversea present, looking for suitable business partner,to promote Singapore local business and boost sales.

Business owner can apply up to twice time per year  for the grant, but subjected to terms and condition. For more information visit ies Singapore.


Business owner

These costs cover activities such as:

  • Overseas market set-up
  • Identification of business partners
  • Overseas market promotion

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Oversea Market Setup“]Business efforts by Owner, to expand their market beyond Singapore[/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Business Match“]Cost incur by engaging third party to source for oversea local partner or joint venture[/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Marketing Oversea“]Cost incur during Oversea Marketing such as exhibition and promotion effort[/toggle][/togglegroup]

Check out on how to apply. Click here

Check out PIC Grant