NM3/hr and SM3/hr gas flow Conversion Calculator
This Calculator will do the conversion NM3/hr to SM3 /hr or SM3/hr to NM3 /hr for you.
Other Gas Conversion Calculator
No | Type of Gas | Link |
1 | Oxygen | Link |
2 | Nitrogen | Link |
3 | Hydrogen | Link |
4 | Argon | Link |
5 | Carbon Dioxide | Link |
6 | Helium | Link |
7 | Ammonia | Link |
8 | Methanol | Link |
9 | Neon | Link |
10 | Xenon | Link |
11 | Krypton | Link |
12 | Carbon Monoxide | Link |
12 | Ozone | Link |
Conversion Facts:
NTP : Normal Temperature and Pressure Temperature : 0 oC (273.15 K, 32 oF) International Reference Variable
Pressure : 1 atm ( 1 bar , 1.01 325 kPa)
STP : Standard Temperature and Pressure Temperature : Your Site Temperature / or Contract Temperature
Pressure : 1 atm ( 1 bar , 1.01325 kPa)
Gas Flow at Normal Condition NM3 /hr
V = Volumetric Gas Flow T = Gas Temperature
TN = Normal Atmospheric Temperature (0 oC)
P = Gas Pressure PN = Atmospheric Pressure
NM3 /hr = V x ( TN /T) x (P/PN)
Gas Flow at Standard Condition SM3 /hr
V = Volumetric Gas Flow T = Gas Temperature
TS = Standard Atmospheric Temperature ( Site Temperature or Contractual Temperature)
P = Gas Pressure PN = Atmospheric Pressure
SM3 /hr = V x ( TS/T) x (P/PN)
Gas Flow SM3 /hr and NM3 /hr ratio
Final Formulae: