Singapore Blood Pressure Calculator

Singapore Blood Pressure Calculator


Singapore Blood Pressure Calculator . According to the new American Heart Association (AHA) cut-off guideline for high blood pressure, which is 130/80 . This means that 1 in 3 people living in Singapore will have high blood pressure.

Select Your Age Group :

Systolic(mmHg Upper#) :

Diastolic(mmHg Lower#) :

Results Here

Majority of people being diagnose from high blood pressure are cause by unhealthy Lifestyle, and unhealthy eating Habit . Thus a change of Lifestyle and diet might be able to over turn the situation .

Health is priceless check out the Calculator below.

Note: The Calculator only serve as reference, by using the calculator below you are agree that and the creator will not be liable or responsible for any losses and damages incur by the apps below.For better and accurate result please consult a local  license physician or doctor. Enjoy!!


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