Constructor in Java
Constructor in Java. In this Article we will look into our class and learn how to create a constructor.
What is a Constructor
No | Constructor Features |
1 | A contructor is created automatically , when you did not create or declare a constructor specifically in your class. |
2 | Structure of the Constructor is similar to method , it will be called automatically when the class is created. |
3 | A Constructor can be Private or Public. If Public , the constructor will be able to be access by other constructor. |
4 | Constructor enable you to set a default or initial value in your Class. If a New Object is created it will overwrite the Constructor Default value. |
5 | Constructor can throw exception when un recoverable events happens . |
6 | You can create more than one Constructor in a class . |
7 | You can create more than one Constructor in a class . |
Constructor vs Method ( Constructor in Java)
No | Attributes | Constructor | Method |
1 | Called Automatically when a new Object is created | Yes | No |
2 | Considered as Member of a Class | No | Yes |
3 | Name of the Constructor must be same as the Class | Yes | No |
4 | Return Type | No | Yes |
5 | Created automatically in the System | Yes | No |
Lets Step into the Code and learn how to create a constructor in a class
In the example below , i will create 2 Class . The First Class i name it the “Dog” Class while the second class i name it “AccessDog” Class.The Dog class allows you to create a new object or instance for dogs.The AccessDog class function is to access the Dog Class.
Dog Class
- First , i created a Class name “Dog”
- 4 Private Variable which can only be accessible within this Class is Declare (dogname, dogbreed, dogcolor, dogAge)
- I set my first Constructor with the name “Dog ” as explain above the Constructor Name my be same and identical to the Class
- The first Constructor does not pass through any parameter through its parentheses
- I have set some default value inside my First Constructor
- I Set my second Constructor which allow User to Pass through Parameter through its Paratheses
- this.dogname= dogname;means, to assign the value in public Dog(String dogname ,String dogbreed, String dogcolor ,int dogAge)
into private String dogname; - The Remaining code below shows how to code the setter and the getter for the class. Refer here on how to code the Setter and Getter.
package oop2; public class Dog { private String dogname; private String dogbreed; private String dogcolor; private int dogAge; public Dog(){ this.dogname = "wangwang"; this.dogbreed = "labrador"; this.dogcolor = "brown"; this.dogAge = 2; } public Dog(String dogname ,String dogbreed, String dogcolor ,int dogAge){ this.dogname= dogname; this.dogbreed=dogbreed; this.dogcolor=dogcolor; this.dogAge=dogAge; } public String getDogname() { return dogname; } public void setDogname(String dogname) { this.dogname = dogname; } public void setDogBreed(String dogbreed){ this.dogbreed = dogbreed; } public String getDogBreed(){ return this.dogbreed; } public String getDogcolor() { return dogcolor; } public void setDogcolor(String dogcolor) { this.dogcolor = dogcolor; } public int getDogAge() { return dogAge; } public void setDogAge(int dogAge) { this.dogAge = dogAge; } }
AccessDog Class
- Now we have finished our Dog class lets create our AcessDog Class
- To use the Scan Function i will need to import java.util.*;
- Declare 4 Static Variable to be Use later below in the program
- Declare 4 new Scanner Object call inputScan1, 2,3,4
- Create a new Dog name called origin using the Default Constructor
- called the Getter method of the dog class to print out the Default Value
- Print out the Statement to request the user to input the Dog name
- inputDogname = inputScan1.nextLine(); Assign the value the user key in the Scanner object named inputScanner1 into the inputDogname variable
- Same apply to the remaining below
- Dog inputDog =new Dog(inputDogname,inputBreed,inputColor,inputAge); Assign the User input into the second constructor that we created
- System.out.println(inputDog.getDogname()); Access the Dog Class Getter and print out all the Dog attributes that the User have enter just now
- Close all the Scanner Objects.
package oop2; import java.util.*; public class AccessDog { static String inputDogname; static String inputBreed; static String inputColor; static int inputAge; public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner inputScan1 = new Scanner(; Scanner inputScan2 = new Scanner(; Scanner inputScan3 = new Scanner(; Scanner inputScan4 = new Scanner(; Dog origin =new Dog(); //Print the Default Dog name System.out.println(origin.getDogname()); System.out.println(origin.getDogBreed()); System.out.println(origin.getDogcolor()); System.out.print(origin.getDogAge()); System.out.println("Input Your Dog Name ?"); inputDogname = inputScan1.nextLine(); System.out.println("Input Your Dog Breed ?"); inputBreed = inputScan2.nextLine(); System.out.println("Input Your Dog Color ?"); inputColor= inputScan3.nextLine(); System.out.println("Input Your Dog Age ?"); inputAge =inputScan4.nextInt(); //Input all value into the Constructor Dog inputDog =new Dog(inputDogname,inputBreed,inputColor,inputAge); System.out.println(inputDog.getDogname()); System.out.println(inputDog.getDogBreed()); System.out.println(inputDog.getDogcolor()); System.out.print(inputDog.getDogAge()); inputScan1.close(); inputScan2.close(); inputScan3.close(); inputScan4.close(); } }
Results as shown below

Well this Wrap up the article about Constructor in Java.
Check out here for more information about Constructor.